well 'known Chicago pianist and lec-' turer, who will be presented in recital. Novemnber 23, Ethel Colson Brazelton of- Chicago, lecturer on current events. February-22, Dr.,Edgar J Goodspeed, giving an îllustrated lecture on "'Four 'Hundred. Yeàrs of the English, Bible.". March. 22, Dudley Crafts Watson, well knownart critic will give "Sound Pictures" Aprilý21-' Clift on Utley, "\Vorld Affairs.", Mr.,Utley also a well.known speaker, is. the director of theý Chicago Council of Foreign Relations. The first program to: be, presented( will have in Mr. Wallenborn a mnt Ioroithv Ioitnd, at popudar Chiwho has Woni distinction ini Chicago 'Cago Pl ii .st of, thé yoll unger genera-, asa pianigt of superior capacities atid,;lin, apid une whose ,Concert apwvell-for-nied taste. In a recent 'Orpei ranices haïve licitedr praisc froml chestra Hall recital, iappearancc lcadinq Chicago tritic. ý,u'ill Playv with the Chicago S3niphionyý orchiesseverai solos at thec 'Ias ut' Eî'd.Circee tra, and as a college and university BIroadcast- Friday afteiernfoofl of titis lecturer, he has earrjed' a distinctiv-e weck at the homne of fMrs. E. J. place among Chicago musicians. MciPraith, 1127 C/est 'inut favenue, ene/it for the -Tickets may be purchased for the Iihnicth', g i s a be course. the amnotnt per ticket b'eing hÏast !ý,ind ci;-Ch' of th,Iii Con gregareduced f rom that charged for single tional chiich. admissions, f rom Mrs. Gordon Smith, 274 Ridge avenue, Winnetka, Winnietka 2357, or from Mrs. James H. Ferry, 480 South avenue, Glencoe, Will Glencoe 614. e L 'j f.,,' ~4JiU~ hçn~j Wl M I Kenilworth Club '%vill 'aid hi promoting better citizen- ship, by enilabling us to, extend the henlefits of this fille elementary school training to more of the youtbs. of Chicago and vicinlity, , the comlmittee ailniounce's. Dininer: reservat ion s may ble made at, Shawnee .club. a.nd assistants, 'with the 'privilege of enrolment iiot limited to children of members of the Kenilwortb club, but extended to ail Kenilworth famil ies and other north shore residents receiving the club announcement. The Fortnightly informaI, for seventh and eîghth grade pupils begins Saturday, October 24, from 7:30 to 9 o'clock. Wivws L.uriIGSIuI _ai 1 y7l1 J<enilworth, éntertained at nr road, at I the North Shore Golf luncheon Mr. and Mrs. F. C. SPinnÊy of 619. club on Tuesday in honor of lier sisterForest avenue are spending the winin-law, Mrs.. F. R. Brower of, New ter at the Orrington hotel in Evansfor guest York,_ who is ber 'bouse ton. several montbs. Mrs. Goo'dwin T. Wilson, 416 Cum- ma 709 Church Sftreet