Anniversary of Bride's Parents F A quaint. informai wedding' costume of *silverand white Was worn. by ,Miss -Grace, 'Eizabeth Webber, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Webber of 1219 Elmnwodavenue, for her. mariag iast Saturdayafternoon to Danici R. Bull, son 'of Mr. and Mrg. Daniel Bull of ýEvanston. The wedding dress, of white crepe, was embroidered in .an: ail-over desgn f ilvrand in place of a veil wvas a Juliet cap of pearis and rhinestones. The silver note in the gown, made On Monday, October26, the. silverwedding 1anniversary -of ber parents, Miss Mèlne Margaret Ackman,> daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August H. Ackman of. Hampshire, 11., will belniarried to John Robinison Laing, son o Mrs.- John R. Laing of 506 Fifth street. The wedding -ceremony will take place at 8- o'clock in the Trinity Lutheran chuirch of Hampshire and wiIl b.efollowed by a reception at the'home of the bride's parents. The bride wiIl be attended ýby 'her two cousins, Miss Evelyn and, Miss> Lorraine Landwehr, Miss Evelyn L.it4wehr seirving ta*nad of Mcmer and Miss Lorraine Landwehr as bridesnaaid. James Laing will attend his brother as best man, andi the bride's 'brother, Stuart Ackman, wvill uisher. SMost of the parties preceding the wedding are being held in Hampshire where the bridegrooni is in business. One affair, however,. took place ini Wilmette on Sunday, October 4, when the hridegroom's, aunt. Miss iLouise church and a distant cousin of the ~bride, the young couple repeating their vows from memorv. A reception immediately followed. An aciuamarine taffeta dress made with a train and. an off -the-shoulder siceve, was repeated in silver slippers and the silver.'frill around a colonlial, bouquet of white sweet peas and wËite roses. ohe cerenlony was performed at 4 o'cock intheOrrington botel by the Rev. George E~. Drew, assistant pastor of the Wiiinetka Congregational tnernuxs. and faîl flowers also decorated the tea table for the reception. Mrs. Webber wore a dark blue lacedress with shoulder bouquet of orchids for ber daughter's wedding, and the bridegroom's mother was ini out in vases of salmon gladioli hefore an altar of palrns and candelabra. The fall color scheme was carried the' whaite princess satin zçeddiing gomc' worn by Miss Katherine Stolp of Keinilzîorth foi- lier Mnarriage, October 7, to Robert Deane Dodson, son of Mlr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodsoi of 1Evaînston. T/je ceretnony took Place in thte Keinilzworîth Union chiêrch and was foliowed by a reception at thle Stolp residencc, 336 Wfarwic/r road. The' Young couple are rcturni>zg ini a fewv~ days fron aý icddijiy trip to Vezo York and Washington, D. C., and Toill nia/e thtir, hotmetwith thte bride's parents uniil the iiet house they are building on the sîorth shore j: conipleted. ulirguu1fl'f'(Jlace ueionigilng wnler paternal granansother trtmrned umc Leonard Edward Méyer Marries Chicago Girl In St. ltàa's church in Chicago at 1'0:30 o'cloc'k last Saturday inorning and Mrs. Caroli Giglotti of Chicago, Miss Genevieve Royer, niece of Mýr. 684 Pine~ street, Winnetka, at whose Mr. Morrison and bis bride will hôme Miss Rahmann met Mr. Odel make their home iii Toledo after a last year. .motor trip t10;cw York. LItne uaiCe .I4 Llxrn%.K £J4iaIflUls ol comipany. H1-e and1 turned from a short are living at. 316 Evanston. r fthe 113Mr. er01I a3. bride will make r MeyerMruel and his Reilnert their home in Appleton, where the ,t of the bridègroom is an' iindistrial engineer ýd Trust with the Kimberly Clark corporation,i have re- Mr. Meyer is a graduate of the entrip and gileering school ,at N,,orthiwesternl avenue, university and an ensign in. the S ..United States. Naval Reserves.' t4u L