*SUER Your favoit brand promptly deliver.d t. your k«o». Phoné lIEN ERUCKSON Wimet.4092 *Iealing with the ativentures of a youtig sciei3tist ini his search for the cause -'of spotted, fever, "His Brother's* Wife," the M-GC-M picture which will be se.en at the Varsityý theater on Friday, Saturday. Sunday, and Monday, is rated' as good film'fare. Directed byW. S. Van Dyke, the *cast includ es, Barbara . Stanwyck, Taylor, Jean ýHersbolt, andi Joseph Callei.a. On the eve of' the .hero's departurc on. bis research ex)pedition, lbe becomes involved with, a, gambling' debt and with the beautiful hostess in the gamblIng salon. Ris. brother assumes. the debt and marries the e&l. But, after many. complications. there's a :happy ending. "'The, Road to 'Glory,'. in whicb Fredric M'arch,* Warner ' Baxter. Gregory Ratoif, andi Lionel Barrym~oe,,arc the is the feature attraction this Thursday 'at the Varsity theater. Even those four great naines, however. fait. to overshadow the- grippimii story of this magnificent war tale. These valiant souls, indeed. are almost submerged in the swéep of eents that plunge thein froin grin tragedv to gripping Pathos. T'o the French front comies Lientenant 'March to ioin Cavtain Baxter.. -Robert .stars, Lionel Barryenore, Jamed chawacter actor, who is being seen next Tuesdav and Wednesday, in thc "DeziI )ol' oat the Valencia theater and in "T'he Road 10 Glory" titis Thursday at the Varsity theater. Gale sound and color, will be the feature *film at the Teatro del Lago Wednesday. Thursday, and' Fr.iday of next wéek. >1witha, cast whicb, includes Rexý Ingram, (Oscar Polk,' Eddie .Anderson, andi members of the Hall John-, son choir, as well, as manly of' thé original stage players,. the scrcen offers à a picture. of genuine sinîplicity and devotion ini this impressive initerpretat ion o f a primitive people's version1 of the. scri ptures. Ney'er hefore "las a, folk-lorc, drama of such fantasy and charin. een attempteti on the screen. The. story itself is 'sucli a radical departure from anything cisc ever donc e ,s. that there is no standard Iby ,whicb to compare the picture's value and appeal. Tears and Laiaghter So m-uc 4 î iicëritv%rattiates- from every members of the cast, froinIn gram., who playq De La-wd as welI as Adam and Hezdrel, to the sniallest pickaninnv. that the audienice is coniýstantly, torii betweeri laughter and tears. A "iniut" picture and one that will stanid out in cinemna historv, Photo»i'naiyazine, lealding screeii periodical. lists it as onie of the hest Pictures of the year. U. AIJLY MRis, j ter, Dcay! w Baxor àhaVe" oital nurse. is bis one Iiink sweetheart, June remiaiiniý LanLr. a hoswith love, tenderness. andi civilization Durinz an air raid, she and, Mardi meet and faîl in love, but~ wlvben she reveals ber friendsbip fori B-xter they separate. Adverse," ber first picture, is featured in "Maiti of Saleni," Frank -loyd production, as lier first Paramount assignment. Claudette Colbert andi Fred Mac Murray' àre starred. proieionai .JufLI>I ri4 ti -titflofy fjLonel Bàrryniore, father of Ba x- 'Tbev Met in a Taxi,' witb Cbýester M orris anti Fay Wray. "'Walking on Air," a bighlv itniusing cometiy, preserits tbe stars fil a ncw light of nonsense.,olsbes andi inerriment. Ann Sotbiern, Genie Ravtnond, Henrv Stephenson, andi Jessie Ralph beadi the cast. joins his son's force, andi, at first a Loward, later redeems hini Seek a. Stand-ITn S ob Burn~s (of" *'ROORTOPS Of I ýL L Phone B 13153 vote for glvig AI ecoaomjcal cei at Taylor, Paramount lcading io bas an ôutstanding role in :nt's "The Accusing Finger," asuch a big, once N )rked in a nut anti boit faca ilow pric.. 1 tory.