CEMENT AND.BMASON CONTRACTOR WaterIprolng Basemnents Specializing 1714 Washltbgton Ave. Wllmette 2618 15A-LTrN23mltip FpOR, ALL KINIDS 0F STON9, BRICK, CEMENT WORI< & TUCK-POINTING.. WINNETKA 2864. H. HARTWELL 15A-L,23-tp CARL BENGSTON CARENERAND BUILDER JOSEPH KNEIP MASON CONTRACTOR, Balmy summer breezes al ready giving way chilly wind& Leaves falling. -Sehool again. are to, are Al On this page are listed numerous home maintenance services you can use to help get things sothat àwhen' ready the firgt blasts of winter arrivie, you will, know "everything is cozy within my bouse!" . . . ýwori< guaranteeu. 22 years' Fa~ctory experlence. H. C. Thomas, 206 Columrbia 45ýLT22-4tî> Ave.,. Park Ridge >1477. PIANO TIUNING ANI) REPAIRINà Ail work guaranteed Wllmette 822 Thomas Lockerbie . TUNER, WILMETTE PUB. SCHOOLS RADIO SeRoVICE [RADIO SERVICE BY MAN EXP. WITH ail its. problenis. Thorougiily familiar with- ail makes. Prompt, expert serviee a"d to your satisfacetion. C.ll WiI. 1208. 5OLTN2l-4tpi Sm*WIN -MACHINE REpAnINo Repairtng and Remodcling WINNETKA 2480 15A-LTPN23ý-4tp, DRrE$SAKING_____ CALL- WILLIAM OTTEN, 959 COUNTY Gowps - WrAps - Suits - Coats Lino Rd. Phono, Hlghland'Park 3012. Original - Copied - Rtestyled - Altered 15A-L23-ltlp 833 Ettn Street WVinnetka 1011 22LTN200-4tp CARPENTER, ROOFER PAINTERI, -met, rekwokatonon amig rj-ý stucco recoatlng, repaIring and romodol- $3.50 PER DAY, YOUR HOME OR Coats and suits. Exclusive lng. Terme. Nelon B. Plaée. Wil. 4181. 1mine. copied. Remodeiing. Phone 15A-LTN21-4tp modeis WILMETTE 4275 AL4i MASONRY AND BRICK WORK. 22LTN20-4tp Chimneys and Fireplaces a Speclalty. OTTO J. OTTEN HEATINU SERVICE Kenilworth 1307 625 Exmoor Rd. 15ALTN23-ltp) Iferman Nelson and Sunbeam coal, oil, anld gas furnaces. Engineering service and sheet metal work, at a reas. price. HOME UNSUI.AYUION AIR SYSTEMS ]EL & C. PINULATION CO., WIL. 1606 Cail CONDITIONED P. E. DeBerard 1025 Davis St. University 3770 For Masonrey& Brick WoÔrk CLETTE SOEURS 'DESIGNERS AND * MAKER1 S GUAR. SALES ANDý SERVICE WHITE, EXPER. LAUNDRESS.IDO Sew. maths., ail makes. Radios, vacui4m .iaundry at home, outside drying. Best cleaners, ail hsehld. appliances. Free est. B3LISS. ELECTRIC SERVICE N. S. refs. WiiI eall for and. deliver. University 6680 604 Dempster St.' GLENCOE 555 53LTN21-4tp 24LTN23-ltp EXPERT TRE~E SRVICE - LAUNDRY ing, spraying, feeding, and braclng. 'Very reasoinable prices on mss., addressing envelopes, etc. Miss Browne, Undesirable trees removed. Skllled sentc oniy. Thornhiil Bros. Uni. 7819. Winnetka 500 or Grreenleaf 3365. 55A-LTN21-4tp 361,'IN23-Itui MASSAGE RUN- UPHOLSKtERNO AND REPAIRa VERNA NEWTON - SWEDISH MASsage, reducing treatments, vi[par cabinet baths. Spécial introductory treatment $1. 1715 Sherman Avé., Evanston. 381,TN22-4tp Gré. 9193. DAY NURSERIES YOUR DAVENPORT AND CHAIRS re-upholstered, fineut workmanship. Phono and aur estimator wiiI ealu with complet. lUneo f @amples. SpecialI dis-, count, this month. Davis Furniture Craftsmen 721-23 Main Street Universnity- 7210 SALEý-KLEffN FOR BUItNER. PRICE WINNETKA 836. ORDER XMAS CARDS NOW. L225 Wilni;tte Ave. 805 Ridge Ave. j">p SUNDAY Locust Farm Stores HOURS AND HOLIDAY 9.m. a. to Phone Wil. 5458 m 10p. Wilmette mu. s,$45 Pa1,Ppr5R s,$45 anPpr5R CILI~LNG CALC TT1.C AC PAINTING AND DECORATINCt' Rubbard Woods 900. Linden Ave. 9 ta 12 a. m. 676 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 9 ta 12 a. m. 241.TN23-Ite FL.OWERS CHOICE 9 ta 12 :30 m., 4 ta, 7 p. -Stueco - -1 20 years on the North Shore Sanitas and canvasing work. Rm. waflpaper cleaned, $1 ; bathroorn enaxneled, 2005 Maple Ave., tvanston Day. 775Z. 58LTN22-4tp $5 up; kitchen .painted, $6 up.' 5 rms. fIrs. wafihed, varnished, $8. Outaide painting, porches, $15. Windows, 75c. PRIVATE SCHOOLS finish done reas. Refs. Wree estimates. Materials furnlshed. $2 if >TD M. OKMAN EXP. UPHOLSTERUItG, FURNITURE - UL REPAIRING Melvin Skolnik Wil. 34131 Super.yised..Home. Work LAUNDRY d. Very iream. men. býr couats rACA ~Clubhoui.e with restaurant and bar BEAUTIfuily laundered; piniess method; plain, service. 40c, ruffied, 50c.. Ecru tinting or flut- Exterlor Painting & Interior Decoratlng lng free. 2023 Maple, Ave., Evanston. 121 Central Pk. Ave. Wil . 692 Harms Rd. at Simpson Morton Gr. 2270 Cal UNI. 7249. 3LN2-t RE-N U YOUR CURTAINS. .OSCAR'A. ANDERSON STBE FOREST VIEW T A L S 30OA-LTN23-4tDý 42LTN23-1tp