Deadlitne -ý- asfied to. dvertlseinents ill hoa for 7 -W for IJ erg . j 0 "O-eptedun Tuesday 9P.M. I -IJMegrTt L1Y'E or ail throe pap>ers; Wednesclay 9 p . fr NNîEI I Aj.j LOUT AND FOUJND MUSICAL INSTRIJ*Ml4T 1733 Lake Ave., Wulmette Register now. Phopie Wilimette 1733 and -T1hursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephonos: Wilmiette I4300, Wnnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka. 500.aftr..6 p. M.), Greenllet 4300 or Shedralce 1216-1217. Call UNI. 3220 for help.l East-sideEmiployment Offce 66LTN23-4tp ITUAIOôN WANTÎiD-FEMALEÉ LOST, DO<I. ViRE HAIREL)TIrier. Brown, tan head and neek,,dar-k grey back,- white tail. Answers to ~BnYPhone WiImtett. 4 104. ______________________ :LTN23-lte LOSTBLACK LEATHER WV.A[,LET. 'CONTAINING $25. ,Between State piano,' nàw ln Chicago, reasonable,. on1 account of ieaving city.. Write 11ev-. E. O, Huser, 800 Cruceý Streetý Norman, Okia'. -~___________________40LtN23-lte, Wi1Ilil 1MY Steinwy EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestic help, al nationailties.. No charge to emloers. References lnvestigated. UdrState supervision. Reinhart Empi. Agency SUPERIOR DOMESTIC IELP 68LTN7-tfc 51T. WTrD-MALE AND PEMALE CLEAN, RESPECTFUL, I N T E L L 1- Exc. German couple, 28-26. Best ret. gent, splendid coolç and laundresa, Exp). colored. 28-28. Good ref. advertiser bighiy recomlnends former general, 30. Good ref. LOT-CHILD'S TORTOISE SHELL coiored maid. Six years ln employ and Bohemian Under G;ermian, 26, N. S. ref. supervision (Jiasses in red case, vicinity South of Dr. 0. Norling- und7er most exacting circumstances. Cal Exc. nurse, 35, 7 yrs. ref. Christensen. Inspection invited. .4i,hool. Reward. Cali Madden, Gl el Oakland 2619, reverse charges. . Second, 24, N. S. ref. Fifteen years of service to 1617. 3 LT23l tp 68LTN23-ltp Place order now for cornpetent 4help. HIS 'MAJESTY, YOUR DOG. LOST: BLACK COCKER SPANIEL WAN'TTED WORK BY THE DAY. FEMALE. REWARD. GLENCOE Nursing, -cooking, serving, cieanlng, 362. 1035 BLUFF RD., GLEINCOE. Winnetka_3399 Sieparate quarters for eachi dog. Special iaundry or plain sewing. Sunday dinners 748 EIM St. F01R SALE - SILVER C MELODY L.Von. & Healy Saxoihone. Coat $120. Bank -and N. S. Laundry. Reward. 550 Neyer used. Unusual bargain. Compete Cedar Streiet, WINNETKA 2372. 3LTN23-1 tp) with ltathier".plusi-Iined- case, '$49. In(Un~einited. I*)STONE, T-STRAP SLIPPER, .542Longwood Ave. black. On W%%ilrnette Ave.,:, between N. S. St . & Elmwood Ave Finder please returný to 82f; Elmhwood Ave., WiI. 2588S'. CL 3LTN23-ltp) IKE NEW. REýASONABiL,. evenîngs, Winnetka 29!4'. Lost B3LACK COCKER SPANIEL PUPPY 40LN23it Reward Wilmette 1378 748 Elm St.. Winnetka 339P 6SLTN28-tfe Lucille's Placemnent Bureau A new service to North Shore Homnes. Ref. thoroughly lnvestigated. Strictly ujider State supervision. 1137 Central Ave. . Wilmette 1056 CORNET Wlshes position.' Good reterences. Address Room,,219, 1124 Wilson Ave., Chicago> 69LTN2à-ltp EXP. COLORE19D HOUSEMAN and chauffeur wants whole or piart Uie. work. Wlshes 'to. rent apartnment over garage. Referencos.. Davis 2897. 9T2-t EXPERIENCED.,ALL-AROUNI) MAN wants. house and wIndow cleanlng, painting, Il0oor waxing.'Also odd jobs. A-i N. S. rets. WILMETTE. 2088. 69LTX23-ltp WANTED ODD JOBS., WINDOW 'cleanlng,, gardening, 1etc. Exp. la Painting. ý(By hour or contr.) Also wornan wlshes cleaning by' day. N. 8. ref. WiI. 4916. .69LTN23-ltp. PRIVATE CHAUFFEUR, WRITE, AGE 37, 14 ys. exper. Haýndy. Bost rot., Wire collect, L. S. Thonias, 210Ô7 Cleveland Ave., Chicago.. . 69LT2-ltp EXPER. HOIUSEMAN AND CHAUP'feur with A-I references. Colored. $10a week. Cail W!imette 2823. 69LTN23-1t.p - Youingman'.s Keninels BOAR DING Reinhart Empi. Agency attention given puppies and samail dogs. and teýas a specialty. Beist refs. Wili go anywhere. Glencoe 1411. Dogs called for and delivered. 68LTN~23-4t. l3oarding Z4-1zuur attei - OLD CHERRY board; wal. secretary, and other fine Eng. and American pleces. ESTHER OLSON 1005 Davis St. Greenleaf 0490 7LTN23-ltp DANCING UÇHOOL. DESK, M~AH. SIDE- 08 Linden Ave. Outdoor rui Dr. Frank B. grwi Pluckli 'uce.. -Cllpplng DAY rys. VIOLA M. SPECHT Master ot dance-cratt. For appointmnft phone Wilmetto. 5 Wilrette 1606., .or of Great man Pinschers. Wauke BO0ARDING & I3REEI Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scha ,Breeders Lindenhof Trail Veterinarlan Nor al 5747. Winntka 373Cal 168LTN23-lte 44LTN21-4tp EXP. WORI(ING HSKPR.,, GOOD ing cook,. practical nurse, wants perni, vos. NG KENN.1ELS1 $20 iweekly. Hlghest N.S. roter. Write r--C onditionlng A-171. Box 60,, Wilmette,. 111. cleanlng, gopd ref. Worked n nehome. W%'ORK, LAUNDRY, G.eneral, 2 Cook andGenerai, 2 General. 4 in fu lst fi, chld Inla t 25 yrs., $15. 'R NOW. sa not lilsted above. School. Mahy other. pos Reinhart St. 748 Elt api.,,Agency Wlnnetka 8399 7 1LTN23-lte: SEVERAL FINE will 'be sold at 0 offer. .Storageh STORAGE,, 1723 Evanston. mion à 40L Good ing. [car 1lare. L'U.' 35e aunb ltp Young lady wlth morne filhng oxperlence. IWrite A-178, Boxr 60,Wot, Ili. 711netN3-1tci