ing apartment zones. Once Degun, it is most. difficuit to define a Uine of demarcation, tbat -is, so as to not infringe on the one ..classification or tbe other to a, detrimental, degree. It therefore would 'appear more logical to, consider- otber plans than those, that -would bringapartment and desirable regidential property in close proximity,* to tbe. detriment of the latter and offer an excuse at somne later ý-time. for a furtber extension'of the apartment zone. Wénu Retaim Yonmg P.opl Immediately adjoining the comùmercial ýand industrial. zones,, there is considerable property, now largely vacant, not suit able for large or expensive homes. On the other band, suchi properti 'es could be improved witb niodest, artistic and modemn small homes that might be e!ected for f rom about $4,000 to about $6,000, wbich would supply the obvious: need of our young married couples, wbo are now obliged to go elsewbere for abodes within their means, since they are not available ini Wilniette. Then, too, there are those who bave raised their families and no. longer require large quarters. who would prefer to remain in Wilmette among their f riends,_ but- must go -elsewhiere be- long net veil with orange blossoms attached, to the end of the Veil. She carried an old-fàshioned bouquet of white roses. Hler maid of honor,, Miss Clementirie Antonio, of Wilmette, wore orchid velvet trimmed in, purpie velvet, and carried a bouquet of yellowr roses. The, three, bridesmaids, Miss Ruth King and Miss Lorraine, Hillinger, of Wilmette'and Miss MVary Hovanec of Chicago, were gowned àlike in purpie velvet. trimfmed ini orcbid, velvet, and carried bouquets similar to. that of the maid of. bonor. Adam Bauer of Wilmette was best man for Mr., Bleser, and John King of Wilmette, SammüuelMonaban of Glenlview and George, Bi ser, of, Evanston were ushers.-. A wedding breakfast at the vv.r. aa guWl u .ILCvivc .tl - Georgian hotel in Evanston ft4,,wed the ceremony, and a wedding supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio was given at 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon. A reception at the home of Mr. Bleser's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Philip llinger, 1715 Elrnwood avenue, Wilmette, was held during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Williams of Appleton, Wis., and Mrs. Thomnas Tyrrell of Dwight, NI., were among Joseph:C. Biraun, Winnetka >ot-, master, of 234 Sheridan,road, Wiinnetka, w<zs elected president pi the Northeastern'Postmasters' asoilion at a meeting held Monday in Waukegan. Wilia~m Lyont, postma.rter ai Niles Cemier, uws, made vice-p resident, and Norma>n Taylor, the new IEvanston postmnaster, was elected sec retary and trea-surer. Uptown chorus wiIll gîve a program. -Archbisbop Owen, the.distinguished guest of the ev.ening, is the son of a members of, Queen Vic.toria's 1lth Hussars, but bis.service bas been mostly in ÇCanada. Iù',Ontario be w as ,oinneçted with ,St.. Joh ns cburch,. Toronto; -Christ's Church Cathedral, Hamilton, and -'Toronto. university., Precieding b is elev 1ation to bhis present bigh office, be, wasBisbop of Niagara. Archbisbop Owen is 'one of the leaders in the Pan-Amecrica:n Conter-ý ence of Anglican Bishops, now being beld in 'Chicago. Thesie at-which. be speaks begins at 8, and the club's choir of 125 wi Il give a special program. Adm1ission -is free.. HAS HOUSE GUEST cMrs. 1. R. Adkins of 1112 Cenrtral aveiiue bas as ber bouse guest Miss Kate Hamiltoni of Chasseli; Micb. Mrq. *Adkins visited Miss Hamilton for about two weeks ini Michigan, and Miss Hamilton accompanied her back to Wilmette on Tuesday of last ýweek for. a fortnight's vîsit here. JJEALTH CENTER NEWS RETU1RNS TO EAST Mrs. George W. Short has retumn.ed danger. almlusè3&LU liK r K iL.MutaE. life and reflect the home community Miss Nell Chambers, daugbte .r of spirit of Wilmette. Here it would Mr. andi Mrs. James Chambers, 408 seem is the answer to the much dis- East Railroad avenue, a fresbman at icussed Buffer Zone. Surely lits William and Mary college, Williamswould be a big factor in belping to brV. a enpegdt ap increase our population and- should Ka Gmasrrt.Ms bm satify wh hos covt aartentbers was graduated from New Trier zoning and witbout its accompanying High .school in June. The next1 In.fant Weliare clinic wilil VISIT O0W FRIENDS take place Wednesday, October 28, Mr. and Mrs. Harper E. Oshorti. from 2 to 4, at Wilmette Health Center, Dr. Noei Shaw, pediatrician-, 715 Linden avenue, Wilmette, visited in Wblteside county among. old in charge. frietids, last week-end. Mr. Osborni made tbe address at the dedicâtion of HiËhb sebool tbe marker in commemnoration of the centennial anniversary of the HJamilton Grove scbool, near Linden, 111. here for thie Iast week of. hem visit. Such plan being found de-_________ ~unens0ts ~i Mrs. Forrest C. Snow of 1011 Greenwoocj avenue will be hostess to the mnothers of Miss M.ulford's first gïÈde room at Central school for a meeting and tea on Tuesday afternon et fee.days. ZUCcyanl <.tIL' oherSothen tnv Sats. L&Às. VVULC r a .'R WIC. V.a -0 Mrs. I. A. Archambault of 300 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, is leaving Attention is directed to the classes tomorrow (Friday) for Breedsville, in Home Hygiene being conducted Mich., to be the guest of Mrs..Car- at Wilmette Healtb Center by Mrs. roll Shaffer on bher farm for ten X.K Schulman, R. N., who has conducted the« classes for the past tbree * clans.................. soLVriQrred -t> private pflysi- 7r, about ten days. .......... Persons referred to private dentists.., 93 Persnureferred to hospitals....* - - LI;açç. x t: Aç .a years under American Red Cross.' Ladies intereste& can secure complete information by. calling Wilmette 2402 between 9, am. and 4 p.. the direction of the