r ENJOY YOURSI as Con gen ial ço m pa ny, e xcell1ent fountainand luý ne hoon Biiards- by Eaeh of the first threeý persons who brinigs or sendS to WÏLMETTÉ LIFE offic correct- answers (or the nearçât 'cor-. rect) wil -be given a reserved' seat Every Thursday 8Sandagy ticket to the Northwesterni-Minnes ota Homnecoming game. AIL: ANS WERIS MIU ST REACH WILMETTE LIFE OFFICE (or be post-marked), BEFORE NOON 'SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th.> WILMETTE CAFÉ, 1181 Wilmette Ave. Complet Di.sr Wiln.teSm Indiaiimiiis. Ohio State *1 IMobre Dame»s Itau R adlos Motors Vacuums Washers Lamps, irons, etc. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING I0 _ Gou NO'rthwestem RE FR 1G ERA TOR S 'y8 AND y-i S to the LA CARITA 'Reauty Salon New Hair Styles, Finger Ws.vesanld 1Harlines for your new fali bat. New suggestions frorn recent Beauty Convention! Miss WIfnie Okes now on-our staff WnFou ovanmtors to serve Vou SUP ER LURRICATION SERVICE Atlas TiresAccessories Washing - Polishing Simonizing Get Reody S.. US First for fer - TýW NlE GUARANTEED USED CARS Wesi Wihneite & Prairie Wilmette 1900 Te d P.yseu, Foofball 11.1.1 Manager Nebraska va. Okiahomna OCTOSEýR 22, 1916 Fordhama v. St. Mary'$ Kansas va. Kansas State