Iand At French I8muizies Gloriously Sunshiny ic And thse beauty of the Fail coloring and aoenery io actuaHly breath-taldng Lmay be cold, rat home. But m reach French Sunmer ta in. actually feel like a new person. mmmationnnare fillinu un ,more the meetin g which will be under the chairmanship of Mrs. A. C. Goodnow, of Glencoe, commissioner of the Girl, Scout Skokie Area council. .The purpose of the meeting, 'which will bc continued tbrotughottthe day, is to discuss the, objectives ,ôf the Girl'Scouts for the coning year and1 the methods by which they can build up strong councils and commfittees who wili make; the program available to more and more girls. Mrs. Kaie ILee Johnison, rep-, Humau EIljment, resenlative of ;nationaàl.headqziarters r Mrs.. Cavanagh wil 1 address the of2 the Girl Scouts hi Me Great group. on ýthe -subject. of the Girl J.akes region, itillIetd,a debale on Scout objectives. M-rs. .Chester will planning: the.Program and also-on le>ad the disîcussion on: council or-, tuai dealinq itreamip work at ganization, and -%ill, make a closing -eitg of Girl Seout leaders, siech on "eHurnan --te E'lemenit" in ftd-n 11i orl th hri'aiWiinwflka ail Girl Scott rk Comrnumity loutse, ;nexi Tuiesday. MIrs. Katie Lee johnis.on, repreetaicof national headquarters in Great I.akes region which inthe WILL ATTEND GAME Indiana. Wisconsin Illiniois, cludvl(s Mr. and Mrs. Roger Williams of. frad the debate on will MNichigan, and Mrs. 410 Forest avenue and Mr. and and also on that the program planning Francis J. Crowell of 633 Lake aveMrs. Nell work. camp with dealinig nue plan to go down to Charnpaigri to Evanston, of McClintock Woodward attend the University of Illinois and of Chicago, Bayrd 0. George Mrs. all o otb f Northwestern University and Miss Adelmna Hadley of Wingame on Saturday. -ro Community House, 620 Lincoln avenue. Mrs. Walter Cavanagh, of Kenosha, member of the Girl Scout national board of dîrectors, will also attend to u* i :ju* -- c netka, will also help to direct the, are at your disposai. Spirlted horses for rding on enchanting, wooded bridiepaths. The most modernequipmient for trap and ikeet shooting. ,So plan a I'fealth Holiday" this Falli at Trench Llick, where leaders of -In--- For pleasure, two superb golf courses Take Monon trains Ieaving Chicago twice daly-9:16 A.M. and 9:17 P.M.- Central Standard Time. <10:156 KM. and 10:17 P. M. Eastern Standard Time) or Motor Direct. On Saturdays One Dollar open Thursday Eves. Titi 9 1 FRENCH f Ul SPRINGS L. INDIANA .,A-. cfkrrell Beauty Salon -wia -- ga Arthur West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H., West of 723 As ,band avenue, a student at Purduc university, came to Chicago for the ChicagoPurdue footb>all game Saturday andi spent the week-ciid with his parents. Miss Kena Schraeder of Cheyenne, also a Purdlue student, was a weekend bouse guest of Mr. and Mrs. West. Diai Operator for Enlerprise 5500,