E A US Best Nativ e.,33 For Swsu ........ .eoe****ee 0 00e6*961. . cons DOZ. 60c $2.35 $3 ROUND STEAK> ..... lb.3 eau# No. 2% cans. Extra standiard grade peurs ln rieh syrup. c l IPEACHIES Exitra fancy, in ricb Syrup Delluous for desserts, salads. etc'. ........ 3casl3c No. 2,4cna.Motiir'ls style euanned peaehiet-oh, so. goqd. DOZ. HAM' Breakfàitlb32 Cuts ........ [jI PEACHES ......3 DOZ. $Z.15 ..... DOZEZN, S3.1O .... lXo. 2% caus. Extra ataniard varlcty. Don't misa this. - E CHERRIES'.... * HAM Ne. R2aa.Si pitted cherries, perfect. for pies. 47e 3 cn. -- . 1 .30 3 $O. 3.40 Wilson's Tender-Made. Wole or shank hi.b3 3 ElExtra Faau#Y . .0...* No. 2% cans. Extra fancy, whoie peeled apricots. El PRUCOTS Try""Land 0' Lokes"v No.A2 ,n unusually fancy weet garden pea. iw 1936 pack. ElAPRICOTS n e o ae...0003cn 11. % cana. Extra standard apricots In rlch syrup. DOZ. $225 9 fINJEAPPLE .~* HONEY From the famous Wlsconin Honey Farin at Oconoe.woc cornes thub doudcous boney. It's deliclous, healthy and nonfattening. Let the cblîdron haIve ail they want of it.1 3 cent73c BOZ. No- 2% cans. Extra fancy slled pineuPPle lin SYrup. $2.85 cons NO. 2 cans. Extra lamey sMeed pineapple la rlch syrup. 60c 63C DOZ. $2.35 cons No, 2% cana. Extra standar, all-ce4 pineappie il: syrnp. 0 OS .00..3 DOZEN S2.10 DOZ. $2.46 cens CORN q <R.gubna. ~d ha EFRUJITS for SALAD -n PINEAPfPLE JWICE ... ....... No. 2% eana. Extra fans)! qualty. Deliclous varlety. 3 cns 95c DOL. $3.6S Cans >p. 2 cans. The new Jdea ID cocktals. Extra faucy. .3cans 47c DOZ. 3 1144--46--48 Central Avenue - ..L 7- -W,- -- - -~ .- w -~ -,Wr -w WILMETTE LFE