Cou Spring $5 Alkctress $9~75 pillows 'hReguar Prié ALL NEW GOOSE DOWN -$2.93 SLUMBEI SHOP <T'Mat&enss Iop" Corner Shernn Ave. andS.rov. St. Evansion Univernity 2820 PatrornzeOur Adt'ertisers be ministered unto, but to minister" "Unfinished Symphony,". and Saint- to school, and visited the nearby "arn among you as he thiat serveth." Saens' "Danse Macabre," concluding home. of Frank Lloyd Wrigbt and n had tea with. Mrs. Wrigbt and' th e He went on'tosay that jesus taugbt with "Finlanidia" 'ofSiis pupils of Mr.. Wright's school. Mrs. even more ,arthroughout ý showedthat. the First Commaudment 'is to tistry tha n the orchestra evidenced Gilbert bas, been a .friend of the love God and the second is to, love mai. He pointed out that John 80 in their serie at Minmette last .year Wright family for many years. 1he youthful audience, which "inPaul Gilbert, Jr., ýwho is a. student strong1jy feit the necessity for one: T cluded about one hundred gramnmar at the 'Universityý of Wisconsin, loving' our fellow,men that- he said, in effect, if we do, not love. one, an- schogI children of the- township and wbere hie runs fromt five 10 ten miles Qfail music groups in the, daily to keep in, trainin' spn other, we cannot possibly -love God. highebrs school, showed itseif .a group week-end with his mother, hiking In other ýwords, Mr, Allan explained, of true north' shore, music lovers, eigbteen miles between breakfast- and if we are not living in just and belpfui relations with our fellow rnen, giving courteous attention to tbe or- dininer with berSunday. Mr. Gilbert there. is.something wrong with. our chestra'and its energetic leader, Mr. is at Oregonibtis wecek.. on. a news Solomon, Who ,plIeased tbe audience ass.ignlment. concept of God., particularly with bis understanding Mr. Allan, who is a member: of of tbe studénts' of good the Board of Lectureship of. The music, and bis appreciation explaniation s of theý Thalman BorreW din dig Mother Church, The First Cburcb mood an d meaning of eacb number., Day to Be Octobeir 24 of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, 'Mas&he first concert by the sympb.onyOl sachusetts, had chosen. for his sub- ,was given as an a petizer for th Helen Tbalman, daugbîer of Bellject, uChistia iSence - A Relgion« students to remember wben ticket't jamin IhalM-an of 2801 Lake avenue, of Service." He made clear, by re- sales are started for the regular is to, be rnarried to George joseph lating several stories or parables weekly concerts for adults wbichb be- Borre, son Ôf Mr. and Mrs. John. with which Jesus illustrated bis gin in November. This series was I M. Borre of Evanston Saturday teachings, that Jesus stressed the arranged for the benefit of New Trier1 nioriiing, October 24, at 9:30 o'clock. tbought of service. townsbip by the assembly committee at St. Josepb's cburcb in Wilmette. Truc service, as understood in' of the student council aI New Trier A wvedding breakfast and receptior, Christian Science, thec lecturer ex- Higb scbool. iollow at tbe Thalman borne. plalned, has two sides-its Godward 'lhle bride's sister, Clara Thalman' sie and its rnanward side; response will be maid of bonor and Miss to Gn1 and rrsDniqkitv tfrm. 1, answered these questions wben he said, "The Son of mn came flot to ton," the first movement of Sliubert's also went to Jiiiisie. where she wenlt Mr. Allan pointed out that jesus !FooballSeaon N ars Florence Borre, sister of the bride- enterinjg uninvited inte the alfairs of mat one of the Most-suc-, othes, or deire romnenc, awilcessful seasons in seveal years would othrsa esie fr romnenea ~îîbe closed on October 31. lingness to serve only in bigber ofKnlrbtokt gmsfo fics, te n oreproinet os'-*Glencoe last Saturday,. winninz the tions. This latter phase of selfisb- 7-1 Pound division game 40 to 0, the ness, be declared, frequently keeps 85 Pound 7 to 6, and wbile tbe 100 its victim in uselessness. Pound division was a 6 to 6 lie. Mr. Allan explained that Christian Jack Novascone, Walter Boyle, and Science teaches' that Gnii is Love: Steve Chas~e ufll. romnný, ."'-un"e-' .. rciward .[ aiman, brother of the b.ride, and William Borre, the bride-, groom's brother. After Ibeir wedding trip the bridc and bridegroom wiIl live temporarilv witb ber fatber. Miss Ruth Drayer, daugliter. of Mr. and Mrs.* Clarence Drayer, 1034 Elmwood avenue, departed Vediiesday of lasI week on a brief trip b, Florida and New Orleans. th Year paîgn 10 parents. ng home from Cham- brate the birth the week-end with his father, R.' A. idan road. ce M. Pedigo of 115 1Robsart nilworth returned Iast Friday heeille, N. C., where she was tof Mrs. George Russell for Mrs.. Fiarburn's two w4 s. Mrs. G. R, Wood of 1Evn of 921 Sher-, anston compaied Mrs. Pedigoon ber jtrip