music for the opeung concert of the Artist Re-' citai series in the New Trier High School auclitoriuu, at 8:-30 o'clock Saturday evening. There 41Ul also'be selections from' Juijus Bechgaard-, Sverre Jordan, Sjoeber-g, F~rank, Bridge, Richard Hageman, Richard. Trunk and ilmari Hannaikainen. Lloyd Strafford will'be at, the piano. Very recently, on September 26,: Meichior was decorated. by the, King of1 Denmark witb the medal,' "Ingenio et Arti." He- is >the third person in the, history of the country to receive the awar.d. Previous decorations bad- already been conferred by the King, and be has. received honors froni mauy other leading c ountries'in Europe. As a young boy his high-soprano singing -in the choir of. the English ,church won the f avor of Queen' Alexandra of Eugland, the. distinguished Danish princess who had> marrned Edward VII. In 1919 he was- invlted to appear at Queen's Hall with Sir Henry Wood conducting. It was there that Huoeh Walpole, the great English in ta y ransfixed r's veice.. Lauritz finances, vsghts, aidîng witn ouragement. LSgrown greaterv with the Melchior knewc orly bis the uiost he is considered tI reat muer of Waguer's gr, gh Walpole aided, 1hirniin, Hrriet hildww WOt0 ,ffln ,sprh will be thes.oloist uith thse Norths Shore Scandisawin Mole chorus wheni that group of 150 voices presents its annual concert u t the auditorium of New Trier HIigh sdsool on Thusrday evening, November 12. Marshall Peterson, tenor, u4ilI olso assist on the frograin. Mrs. Arthur Dean to.1Be munity House, are characteristic.of the toue and' tempo of the collection as a. whole. Summier and vacation time take the. artist out of doors and put brillianice and vigor intà bis canvases; and: the present exhibition,, introduced for the first tume at the.Art League -County fair Iast 1Friday, evening, i§ just such a group of sumimer sketches. The, collection, ýwhich -hpings in the Art L1,eague, studio ,of Community House, will be open to.the public until October, 26., Mary Pouil. exhi.bits- an oit painting of a white h.ouse-spairkling 'white in noonday sunshi-ne, with large trees. casting interesting saos summer landscape done with dasb.and flare in. .water colors, and a, large impressive stili life of fait fruits and- vegetables are shown by Helen Hare. At the opposite 'end of the summer caleradar is a landscape of 'a fult-ýblown apple trée before, a raewly painted white barn. By Mary Bornarth, the picture immediatety iraduces the nostalgia vulgarly referred te as "spring fevter." Mrs. Kopper is the artist of two barnyard pastels, animated with tive stock (pizs, cows anad chickens) that wink at you out of the corner of the eye as much as to say-2'A cute picture-but. farm was ever quite like this 1" Also in rural nora vein are Alice Mae Jackson's water color of a cornfild, and T.evia P. Grav's farnîscapes. Two prints ("Mother" and, "Nocturne") bN Elizabeth' Zimmermnan, andtwo pencil drawings b'y Ruth Pratt forni an exclusive black and white. *group o.f genuine menit aud distinction. htoU ýni, Kani N program oflst rerat and church-rne one witrnthe red roof, for sne exhunirs two. Ceci rday Der Doppelganger.......... ..... Franz Schubert Der Atlas . ................... Fraraz Schubert IIimlie ,Aufforderuisg.....Rihard Straurs evenirag w1iI be as ioiiows.: Brik's Aria from the Opera *'Frode" (Danis)..................... Julius Bechgaard Edvard Grieg En Svane (Norweglan> .............. Hoerer du (Norweglan> ..... ....... Sverre Jordan C. U SJoeberg 'ronerna <Swedsh) ................ I ai be E. nning accoir ing and good-raatured he (or was it she?) is as as only a deft artist like Edraa M. S. johan-, -t Kingery, Mrs., alive paint one. Grace Brion bas, on the saine can sera Manchester. wî1l wall, an outdoor market scene of life and bustie. The exhibition committee is tightetiing up oni -and hanging requirements., at the saie an iss LVIS a baby in a high chair. And what a baby! Beai- The only portrait ina the entire show is that. of ausîne ýtins year. Si seta isoioity.ý as a junit alsço a mf er of stucis. rnnenîc The special Sunday afte mlon lec. contint;ed. at 3>:45 p.m. in: ullerton. res will be, all., 1 exhibition. i