None of the members of the class, Miss Be ach déclared, have ever had formai art work before, except: in the public scbools. Trhey arein series of 12 lessons, being given the opportunity to learn to ýexpress them-ý selvesin another art. form,- she added. ISUS 748 Elm Stree -TRAIN - Resoevafloms PLANE Teepon TiCKETM Ineta3m3 D,.ALDWIN PIANOS 323 Wabaàh Avonu. Do 'ou knout that there are in the world 2,W0 different lizards, 2,300 reptiles, 1,500 frogs and toads? Jack Rayvmon, utho af> ears bef are: the Children's HoMr.Saturday morning, October.24, in Rutdol>kA. Mats hall o! Winnetka Commuetity flouse, wil tel many fascindting stories of "Reptiles tif North America" in a hiOhIy entertaining manner. t CHIICAGO From the standpinô1t of &dtzatltitJf MA LLINCKRODT and educational value of this lecture, colleges, schools and clubs baye been NEWS higb in their praise, for the real facts and oddities of one of nature's .most High misunderstood forms of animal life is (Fromntthe Mai School Io presented in a striking manner. The initial. Thousands of students have* beeti given the opporturiity to view and bear club activity f the usual gatl the hi il fulli An Aufis4fie..i -forà Distinctive Living Room Neyer in the. progress of pano construction ham lter. been stick à combination of perfect ton. and beauty. stration that even snakes can becdomesticated, is proof that the average person s knowledge of herpetology bas beeti, greatly neglected. This progam will be the second i the series of Cbildren's Hour entertainiments. It is flot too late to secure season tickets for this series, as the couponis are interchangeable. Tickets may be purcbased at. the offce of Comnuniity House. an. unlusualy ','9 for aIl concernied. ,ne7 is pre *Sunday, October 18, was HomneComing Day for a large 'number of Mallinckrodt alumnae. Old acquaintances, past experiences, were renewed, until the summons was given for the informal me'ptin, nresidedver is the most iiuportant element in child portraiture. BERNIE bas establisbed a national Marsb and Richard are the west coast and w stop with Mr. and Mrs. terway ýback east. the Holy Comforter. He is survivedI by his widow, Cora; a son, Robert, j and a daughter, Virginia. Ii "'BoterPictures--Better Val r*' .8996 TTel. ni. ermem ve.un 62 Sil