A GAY NEW. COLLECTION. STYLED FOR ITHE SUB-.DEB They're sparkling and young and they've lots of appeal - these. "Frivol ous Formiais" for the y ounger set. We've a whole wvondrous collection for the young deb to choose from a style to lit ber everv-mood. - North Shore Girls \vill model theseHollywood styles on Thursday and Fr day from 3:30 to 5 in the Girls' Room.. "Dancing Pi*rate" Modefed by Marion Sloa.$tt of, Uv.. si, Perfect "swing" dress .. with its ful1, boufointskirt banded %vithgay stripes, 12 t 16. ïTak< My eat and daring slit at skirt. 12 to .16. 4,SECOND F1001 OCTOBER 22, 1936