Bail Committ ee Hèeds Announced On the night of -Decemb)erý 5, the Grand bail rooni..of. the Palmer House wilI be the scetie of a galaýaiffair,. to be knowvn as -the .Mary Crane .Snow Bail of 1936. The memnbers of Mary Crane. league- are determnined to rePeat the ýsucceèss -of last year's Snow Bal, the first, oIIC theY, bave, held in Chicago. This. will be the league's, fourth annual bail and will begin with a dinnerl tobe served at 8:30. until 10 o'clock, dancing starting at 9 o'clock. Because of the succcss of, Iast year',s bail, the members Nvere able to open the. new rooni ini the Mary twenty underprivileged little totsmany of theni undernouished-of Crane Nursery school at Hull House. -ofar, this rooni accommnodates the Hull House district. The proceéds of this year's bail will help to imaintain this room, as weli as al the other rooqms, which hiave ait at-' tendance of sixty cbiidrcîî. The new roorn has aiready been It is possible to obtain authentic and non-partisan information concerfling Cook county,. state and national candidates. The,-llinois. Voter, the publication- of the, Illinois League of Women. Voters, contains records of candidates, sunaries of ail party Platformis, and general, voting information. There are ten offices to be filled in Cook. couhtY.- The, Voter gives -a brief but, adequate. analysis of each, office.and -a short history of each of the candidates.' An vert discussion of the relief situation in. Illinois is ýto be found here, and i.s of' vital interest to every, voting citjen-,, the league announces. Perhaps for the' first timne in- any single magazine issue, there are gather-' ed together the pro's and con's of the inuch discussed Trade Agreements 'act and~ the farn, prohieni. nost ably prosented by such authorities as Secretary Carlos Photo of State Cordell Hull, Charle P. MVrs. Con ger Reynlolds, 245 Ciia»- Taft 11,' Charies N. Peck, and Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace. Yior road, Kenilu'orth, 7wiIIbe fhostess "The Illinois Voter," writes Charles fie the Kenilw'orth chapter of the E~. Merriam of the political science de-. Mar-y Crane league at its regular partment of the University of Chicago, meeting Priday, October 23, at 1 *is attractive in foirn, substantial in <"dCock. Mrs. George Faber of Chicontent, and should lie in the hands of 4cago is sert4ng oas o-hostess. every voter in Cook county." -Copies- may be obtained at a nomin- Auxiliary Hold Ins t a11at io n The annual joint Legion and A,üxýili'ary installation dinner'and dance of Wilmette Post 461 toolk paeWednesda nig c:tbr14, atShawnee ontrv club. The former cstm of seating the guests around a horseshoe t-abIe-,was! abandonled for the more club-like arrangeMent of small tables set for eight, which were attractivelv decor ated with garden flow ers.. FerreC. Watkins, past Commander of the department of lilinois, American Legion, was the speaker of the evening. Also- seated at the speak- er's table were Village President Jiarry C. Kisine and. Mrs. Kinne.. Captain and Mrs. E. A. Evers, Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. McKeighan, and Grover Sexton, who served as instaiiing offiçer for the legion. A ifost cornprehensi've review oi the past year's activities was giveti by Mrs. James McCue, bistorian. The 'îewly installed president, Mrs. Cari A. Peterson, by her enithusiastic attitude, gave evidence that thîs next year promises to he one ecjualv com- meiDes i meLieÇag4ue w154Jare working zeaiôusiy to make this, "The generously cionateci Dy one of 'the board members of the league, Mfrs. Mary Crane Snow Bail of 1936" a_ H-adar Ortman, of Evanston. greater success than previous parties In 1925 a nursery school was optiied are: Mrs. Paul C. Fleer, of F.vanston, at Hull House, a project of the' Na- prcsident; Mrs. Robert E. Spaeth, tional College of Education at Evanston. Six years later, a group oQfof. Evanston, first vice-president; Xýorth Shore women, vitaliy inIter- M rs. William M. McNamee, of ested ini this work, formied the Mary Evanstoii, second vice-president and Crane-jeague, which aided the college social chairman, who lias appointed in meeting the needs of the Nursery N. U. Associate Alumnnae fo Have. Annual, Luncheon l'le annual..fali lu Lssociate alumnae o: uances rendereci Dy the Misses Lorraine Miller and Gerry Musso of Chicago. , After thle conclusion of' business the remiainder of the was spent in dancing. The ncxt board meeting ,of Post 46 auxiliary will ie. héld Wednesday evening, October 28,:at the home of onof theý Mrs. D). C. Leaeh, 1417 Forest avenue. Mrs. E. H. Myrland wlli he the assisting hostess. at 2 o'ciock Monday, October 26. Mrs. Harold G. Roberts, the presidenxt, will preside at the business session, and at 3 o'clock there Will lie a 4..------------V%_UÇý paetn, games, Mrs. kHerbert E. Ziptea for thle pledges and their mothers. ýter to accommrodate working mothprodt, of. Kenilworth, publ:city, chair- ance and generous gifts made the A prograni wil lie given by Gladys S. man, assisted by Mrs. Walter M. event an in the an-ý Northquist, reader, and 'Clifford AsThée parents as* well as'their chiii- Paulison of Evanston. niais of the organizations. pegren. pianiast.