on Noveanber 28, lie wili con-ý tinue -the, discussion with a talk on '"American Foreign Policy inthe Far E:ast>." Harold D. Lasswell, also of the de,partmnent of pýolitical science of the. University of Chicago,, wiIl discuss "War,- Peace, and Ecôonics" on January, 23, and "War, Peace and Propaganda," on February 27. "The Present Prolblems of International,,Organization" will be, be the> subject of a talk on March 27, by .Professor Pitman B. Potter -of the [ustitute. of Graduate International, Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, who is coming to the U»i-versityof Chicago as an .exçange prof essor. On April 24, he will speak on "The United States and I ntern~ational Organiza-. tion." These meetings wilI ail be beld -il, the Palmer House at 2:30 o'clock. Anyone initerested miay attend on paynient af a small fee. David S.,I-Hâs, florier New, Trier High tçhoot athiete, who ?('011 a $1,200 scholarship oThc e1ddic school,- Highttoýwi, N. J. is playving le!t end on -thc prep sclool's varit football tcamn this year. H' scored the first touchdowt~ i thé, ,sason a week *go tehen Piddie -defeated Adeiphi Academy3, 16 to (). Haas is the son of Mr. and Ilfrs. Walter 0. Haas, 621 Park avenue, WVilmnette. He is shouw, above îiii his'Peddie football unifo.rm. ervations. In describing the work Il(, South Michligan avenue,. Chicago. of the Order of Martha, Mrs. RiIcv Dr. Philip $enian, chairman of the says that "Ili the torrid swamps oýf Chicago recreation commission and Florida, ini the. arid deserts of director of the jewish Peoples InstiArizotna, Jii the mountain peak of 'tute in Chicago, will opeu. the series Colorado, -and on the-frozen astes of lectures Wdedyeeig c of Alaska, the ýpriests of the, homie -tober 18,. speaking -on the. question. Misinshv lbr nelfisbl o I ducation the Cause of the Préscetries. It:is noWa quarterofaeu av>Dilemma?"Th seo< century since the Order of Martha, speaker, 'on Wed esday, oenr ait auxiliary of the Catholic Churcb !18, will. he: Dr. Isamui Tashiro.. JapExtenision. society was foutnded to anese philanthropist. .and authority bielp ini this work. Such a date :is Who bas iust returnied to Amücrica trl.4Y important and wc .feci that it after spending« the summer in Japan. should have a fitting. celeb)rationi. "The Human Side of.jàlalanese.t.ife"' Accordîlnglv3, we earnestly, ald cord- 'will be bis, theme, and Ili lecture ially inivite ýou y to tbe Silver j uhilee Awill be illlustrated by colored slide.e lulncheoni. Your -presence will. be in- to be showîi for the first tinme. dicative of your conitinuied itreOn Deceir16tepakr~il not.onty in the Order of, Martha, but he A. J.. Foster, director of -the Chialsojiiitbe well-beinig of thoseheos ao Urban League., His t opir Nvill ,who .work unsea and unsung for the ;he. 'The Negro iii Chicago." Chiarles cause of Christ ini our country. Gooil. director of the P educa,tional tours and sta.ff ieniber of the fhiao Board of Education. vill disBETTER FILMS cu-s -"Universal Ed-(ucatioti" a.s the GUIDE fourth lecture in,. the series January The lectures are sponsored 1) thec Key: uls,"n'!f,.,j/;i Race Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Stillmni of 707 Kent road, Kenilworth, have invited, Party of Friendo to Mrs. C. L. Keith and Week-end at Clayton Son Are on West Coast Mr>. C. L, Keith of 222 Njnth street 1'- outh. Coinnun1ty Theater Oct. 23-24 *Rhytbmn on '~<~ Amity miiteof theC I- ~ Teatro del Lago cago Baba'is. Each program wil1 also ieature a brief talk by a ineihur ofthe th-e Baha'i group. a mlusical niiniber. anid social hour. There is' no admis;ion charge and no collection wvil1 lbc aken. it is aunnounced. .Amnong the guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ketcham of Kenilworth' Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Barnes of Indian Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burcb and Mrs. Donald Mercer of %Vinnietka. mette about November- I. Mrs. Wendelf Keitb is keeping house for lier fathier-iin-law, bier busband, and his brother, Gordon, at the N luth street home.. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wendeli Keith plan to, move to E-dison Park somietiime after, the first of 'iiext montb.> A. and V. A. Stet"A. and Y. ---Funeral services for.Mr . Fidelia Oct.- 27-"The Informer." A. Comings' Pitkin, who died WednesOct. 2 8 -"),fagnificent Obsessioni." day at the home of her son-ini-law and John ( East 1 Schubert ~of L. He. Wilmette Oct 2 3-24-"Postal Ilispector." F. Wilniette. Burial will be ini Akronl, Oct. 25-26 - "Tvo Against the Ohio. Mrs. Pitkin had beeri. an inWo Nd" ature. valid for many years. She was the' widow of Julian H. Pitkin and had Resden o TusonIs made ber home with ber daughiter for the past eleven years. Besides Mrs. NI nii tLn,~ (~. 'daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Daveniport. 404 Gregory avenue, will be held Friday miorning at Scott's chapel, ýoas Weisler of r of Mrs. :eavenue. xeek-end for El end the winter. th because of Mr. rs. Weisler is the ,l Prevallet, 2117 Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart of 206 Cumberland avenue returned to KenilMr. and Mrs. William H. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stark of Detroit worth on Wednesday of iast week, hav- are liew residents of Wilmnette, hav-' were the guests ing spent the summer at Mountain Ash ing imoved to 2127 Chestnut avenue and sister-in-Iaw,of Mr. Stark's brother Mrs. Julian lodge at the Lake Placid, club in thé recently froi Keniwood. They have j E. 'Stark of 1321 Mr.-and Greenwood avenue, Adironacks.aba K I rl. ilaJae jIatwek-ed ia4vaceiç, jr., is charge of the entertainment. . * '.n4t ' in tiai fron'i business in Wilmette. Niaione, mrs. jBuckc as retiring