Looe-lesfoeJ books thai fit the pookot. Tour bus personai bookkeeping ystent ai amail tcs.Complt. monoes o1 bianks. Addross. Cross-sectjun, Engagement, Dary'. Music, Pbot-mnounîting, Lodiei, Journal. Oitc.,Oetc. The book bas recently been publisbed by Rand McNally & company- of Chicago.' Miss Wilhoite was formerly art director of e Bookbouse for Chidren and now bas ber home andstudio in Chicago. A second book of bers, "l3obra and Bali.," will lbe put.out by Rand Mc\'ally within a sbort tîme. Little, Priends Pront History provides. funi for boys and girls in tbeir play bours at homne, giving them at -the same timie valuàble historical informationi. The novel way- in wbich tbe material is nresented offersopportunity for creative expression for childrew f rom five to ten years of age, and also sugests activiies 'lefinitely co nnected. wi th school pro-, jects. Among the activities nientioned are ini conecion IVIWIt[I trie LE FAX Pristed loosib-lcaf and indoaod booksaiE $1400i on BasinessMathematics% Radio. Chmsr.Architecture, Air-conditioisg. ote. suam Al arn d roadi for quiçk reforenoe. Anumnrusuai Christmas glut. ýWrite or phione FPeaunGermïer, iesGreenleaf Ave., W» a88 BOOMS~ CAR> things to make in e1aysaiidtabefs NEWS FLASH! Early Fait Juvenile Books win popuier vote i Arriving daily, le. ding. Juvniies from ail American Publishersi Order Christmas Cards NOW NEWS FLASH! or other tnediums ; stories to act out: subjects to draw or write stories about : stories to tell, and correlated places to J1 visit .such as museumns and the zoo. Alsoý suggested is a list of about twenty books containing correlated reading matter for How ear Ovs Of V. aper eives ; wha cave people livedl: low g times occupiedt themnt WeeW' which will be ohserved at The Book' Box, 514 !Davis Street,.1 vanston, it was announced lI)v Mrs. Ruth A. Tooze,, oie. of the leadinig local auth .irities on junior books and proprietor of the sbop, The only other. lecture by. Miss Masséee here thïs week will be givei Oct. 23, at 2 :30.in the afternôon. at Roycem'ore school be fore the parents.of the sttdeti in the sc >hool. Once Liivied Here DPuring .her aifiliationi with the Aieri-, cani UýLbrary a:1ssociation Miss Massee lived' in Evaniston. Slîe was born i MilWaukee. and was graduated at ftic age of 18 . with high hionors froîn the normal school w*hich is-now kniown a.s Blackstone Studio Photo the State Teachers' college. She obMiSs May Massee, former Evzanstained ber teacher's certificate, but affer toniant now famous for her work one year of teaching, atteîîded the Liin . casterki#ublikhing hkuq in the bary sdi6oj1 1h Wiscoisn and Was enchildren's book field, wvill returu ployed at the Armour institute. here Oct. 23 f0 conduct ant open, 1" 1922 she hecanie associated with lecture at the National College of Doubleday, Dcorati and coiipatny, eastEducation auditoriumn and to adrn publisliers, and created a chilren's d>ress the Parent-Teacher group at book department. Then years later, Roýycenore. During the day, Miss she transferred to Viking Press, and Massee wiI also be at The Blook is stili with the Viking Junior. Boxr, 5,14 Davs~streel, IEvanston, Prorninent leaders, of the Parent70here lier wvork is being exhibited. Teacher association and a number of Evanston clubs cooperated iin the ar- i-Alay Massee WORLDS, b>' CARL VAN DoRtEN Memoirs t h a t cover an excit- nacie tne fgures- historically. accurate. Evi',erV dletafil of costume. and environ*ment bas been carefi.dly checked in. *museuins, in libraries, and in the recrs-b of historical societies. eors A special feature is thue smnall book of six stories., coînplete in itself, wilici *rmisafter the figures have becît cut *f romi the làrger pages and may be used as ;i worth-while addition to the child's own Iibrary. Roberts, secretarv of state (1929-1933), was pnbM :~ . l er be t L. B lo oin , Mr . ( ii îi .islied by Uarper & Brothers oit SeptemFrcîan Ms.T. P. Gsvoil, Mis. J ladne',Mr.Otto . L. M ber 17. 11n his forewvord the. atthor says: Mr, rs. Frenh t~ne, rs. orace flreen<,ugli sal iolteCils ta*hi, Mrs. aîi oen T. Bro)wn, Te assn a W.M arsial i (a loway, m rs. Id .( Mr". n he b-hejgovieuC IN rs. I)ola d Jo n n, armny iii Septemiber; 1931. was the first (hritpher, M Mos Williln '11 major blow at thue iew systemi of war ( -. 'Charles F. Ilefinisatlh, Mis, A. je_ limitation and prevention hul t 'Up by the Patton, Mrs. Ra iph Monrioe Snyder, M t->. -algty.Mrs. Addison 1b. <hrdnations ivhich had suiffered in the Great iner, Geore Jr_ %Irsç. Everett Lothrop, Hr.ier\Var. More and mure it is beconuling recognizèd as a critical eveut ini worl E ia v ( ra lia in e , Ars. c .s ai c i history. I ' Juîîitr)'-uide -repuial ings for this book, exqui :îonls for the Cci-. ing the graceful Chiùet eC caruied him a suPppîcient the text and ri aid bis draw-; finest Work. )14, Itoi, nrfty year Ple which lectcer iias edited the si :tions and. written the preface, and Tho bas dane the illustrations. Fogarty ýs ,*Lamber- i