________________ -- Beautiful scenes in Switzerland are Your favorite brand psrmpty delivered to y0w? homne. Phone- SUNERICKSON "It H-appened One Night," a picture Agent," the Gaumont-British producWitb eigbt of, the films that have made Sc good that it started a fad of sophis-,tien wr hi hrsdàteathe Valea talkng ictre istoy sbedledforticated comedy .and became the standardthaeths hrda an ra. aeieCr onGegd Wt presentation, -Teatro del Lago in .No- by wbich other pictures are measured Mans-an ismio-wilI be showvn on Thursday of next roll, Peter Lorre, and Robert Young week with. Clark Gable and Claudetteii the cast, "Secret Agent" is'listed ducing its. "revivaasoeoth ie m ftébso betftene h soi olbert iin the leading rotes. wek. WieFn"'ilb portedfls Story F'amous of >The programn itres t is the resuit The famous stor of the "pixilated" h at 't'ranat hyaecate a o of a recent revival Young mnan,1 who, falling into îno ney is at bis, best as.a. Crosby Bing> té spend ht to the hest advantage )fI wekblotries who cornes East. te cowl)y singing, debiniself find to only main, fellow is bewill week The. gi Studa o wthrided- in the newvspaipers adarse.a appear. in a rodeo and- returns te E.dna ýFerber*s classic an insane menace tà society, will ,beFrigPnrchwbapiebll 'Show Boat,". the shown at the Teatro del, Lago on Fn- and a sweetheart. Tuneful Song& VitrMcalnUniversal p i ct ure day of next week, wîth Gary:Cooper in Many are the tuneful songs and s.t a r r i n g lirene the leading rote of "Mr. Deeds Goes to 1 ee Rhîm onthe ns Dunne, Alan Jones,' Charles Win-Tow. ob ceue The film.that stripped away all the Rne"wihi ninger, and Paul Robeson. romance of warfare and displayed it as shown at the Valencia theater on Herbert Ceassie Sunday's classic will be the screeti an ugly and miserable and mad horror, Sunday and Monday. The film wili -not ouiy please those Version oftVir-tor tferbert's tight op~era, and s offnsive 4& eertaint classes that "Naugbty Marietta," with Jeanette it was banned ini many couintries, "Al who enjoy Bing's singing, but also MacDonald anid Nelson Eddy,, Frank Quiet on the Western Front," will b.e the host of Bol)iBurns radio fans, shewn on Saturday of next week. It for the noted coinedian of Van BurMorgan and Douglas Dunibrille. The story is that of an aristocratic was in this picture that Lew Ayres came e n, Ark., who plays th~e bazooka, F~rench girl who flees from her home to the front as one cf the hest of the makes bis film debut in the film. to escape the attentions cf an unwanted youflger actors. Surprise Énding princely suitor, to a new life in the Interesting and dramatic, with a French colony of Louisiana. surprise ending, is " he Crime of "Show Boat," "Ail Quiet" Are sessionT,"1 slated for the Teatro' s screen combined with an exciting film of espionage and mystery in "~Secret, Two Successes Brought Back on, Wédîesday. i based o the ieo Robert and 'Eîizabeth Barrett Browning, will be sbown I The arretts of Wimpole Street," Four S"eci'lSo g frSo g fo "Hideaway Girl" ~, Dr. Forbes." It deals witb the ethical probleni of mercy killing with further complications of the eternal triangle. rhursday-Lost Day, Adv.nfures in the Clouels world as weII as thle public for the novelty o:f its approach to a new topie, as well as for tbe gripping fascination of- the film itself, is "Tbe Informer," with Victor Mctaglen, Heather Angel, Preston Foster, Margot Grahame, and .Wallace Ford. It will be revived at the Teatro on Tuesday. Irene Dunne, Robert Taylor, Betty Furness and Charles Butterworth are the four stars of. "Magnificent Ob- ai-1b---anaddirecting. VI tertaining mystery and comedy, in which a young moôdel is accused of A number was composed especially1 the theft. of a necklace and a taxifor Miss -Raye by- Sam Coslow, titled driver helps prove ber innocence, "Bleethoven, -Mendelssohn and "They Met in a Taxi." will be at tbe Brabms." Victor Young and Leo Valencia on Tbursday and Friday, of Robin composed "What Is L-ove?" etw1ek wbile Berton Lane contributed "Two nx ek Birdies Up a Tree" and "Dancing Into Your Heart." HAD OWN SHOW Marine Dnng Rfoom in Formai Opening iin the Loop mml. Pnic.s P4ars 3153 reetn ail extravagant production npmber with realistic masks of fanious Hollywood mevie stars,. and Charles Carrýr, magician and trickster.