Placement Bureau wll b. acille's IDoadline for m.gj* -clasuled u o usdy SPRO for P. INNEICADOUEtleICIELP IWILMETTE LIFS or ah three papers; 'Jednesu&y 9 ýP.,M. for W ITALK an4 Tbursday. 6P. M. forGLENCOE NEW&. Telephones, Wilmnette A new service to North Shore Homes. I. Danish, 22, second. English, 40, exc. cook. Cha~uffeur, Swedish, 30, n. s. rot. Beininer couple. registered now. Place order early fýor competent hielp. I4800. Wtnnetka 200 <Wlnhetka 500, after 8 P. I.). Grenioeat 4300 or Mleake 1216-1217.1 rLoiST - £140 _ ______ LOST-LADY'S WHITE GOLD LONgine, wriist watch rnarked "Çyntbia Kohlsait." Reward. Cali Winnetka 147. UVnder 'supervision of Dr. '0. NorlingChristensen. ,Inspecti on invited. 3L24-ltp Fiteen years of service to BLACK S9COTTY, WEARING LOST HIS MAJESTY, YOUR DOG. Evanston license tag. Lost, near 1527 Walnut St. Answers to, "TAM." Cal 3LTÈN24-ltp Wilmette. 901-J. Separate quarters for. each ý dog. Special attention given puppies and amail dogs.. .. Dogs called 'for and:dlvee AN 'ASSOCIATE, IN PRIVATE IN- PLUCItING - CLIPPING - BATHING struction, one well versed in classical and modern languages preferred. Should bc.,proficient ln remedial work. Address 4411PN24-4tp Youngmans Kennels BOARDING. 730 Hibbard Rd. WiI. 1312 Rot. thoroughly investigatedl. Strictly Winnàetka.8399 748 Elm St. under- State supervision. 70LTN24-lte Wfilàette 1056, 1137 Central Ave, IROCIWOLD IBLDG. IIELP WArNTE-PEmaL 68LTN7-tfc Cook a.nd lât floor. 4 la family, $8. Cook and lut floor. $18. Gefleral, 2 lu faràliy, 115.< GRADE WE SPENCIALIZE liq HIGH Cook ;Ud let floor. S6 ruo., $15. No nationalities. ail domestie )ielp, 2.chlldten, S16. charge to employer.. References ýlu- General, General, 4 ln faitly., $15. supervision. State vestigated.. Under REGIBTER NOW. Many other positions -flot -liste&above. Wlnuetka 3399 748 EIl St. O8LTN28-tfe 748 Ulm St. r4k399 Wn THE DAY. BY WORK WANTED Nureing, cooking, serving. cleaning, Iaundry or plain sew;Ing. SuÛday dîiners and teas a specialty. Best rets. Wil MEANY POSITIONS OPEN. GOOn go anyw~here. Glencoe 1411. Reinhart Empi. Agency EXPERIENCED HELP Reinhart Empi. Agency - Reinhart Emtpi. Aency DOMESTIC HELP 6SLTNw-4tp 4LTN24-ltp ANirQuES OLD CHERlRY DESK; MAH. SIDEboard; wal. secretary, and other fine Eng. and American pleces. ESTHER OLSON Greenleaf 0490 1005 Davis St. 7LTN24-2tp RECREATION BCHOOLS SWIMING annoUneent private ttttoring by reservation onlywe will give you.r dog îany type of training i>rsonli attention and expert inethiods by our continental traîner exclusi ve rural surroundings references exchanged AFEW FINE DOBER.MAN PUPPIES AVAILABLE P. 0. Box 26. Barrin-ton, 111. Phont, 1Dundee 811-J-4 LADY, EDUCATED, REFINED, WITII Maypole gUIingoLýUa 14 Avi POSITIONS OPIEN I,indgren Eni pi. Agency Established 25 years Winn. 104 799 Elhn St. FOR MAIDS AND COUPLES GOOD WAGES * 1OTH. YEAR Morton *itut'. Muajtir at AFTER-SCHOOL CLASS Si-(, our- dislay ad on nize 24 20B-TTN24-1 t DANCINGSC*MOOL Gov.11%llock-s south PDem.p 44LTN24-ltl alu. 860;-)rerris Aveniue -, Phne W 1innetka 202 818- ELM STREET 68 L24-ltp for nurseg, malde W, Master of dance-craft. For appointmeflt Dr. :Franik B. Erwin, Veterinarian phone Wilinette 5 or Wilmette 1606. Winnetka 373' 908 Liniden Ave. Ad 44AIrM91 21LTN21-4tp fi -j-- VIOLA M. SPECHT ,Where your pets bave 24-hour attendance. Boarding -, Plucking - Clipping .1 .Outdoor runways1 Hubba rd Woods Animal Hospital J ndenhof EXPERIENCED WHITI COMP. WQMAN - HOUSECLEANING. general bouse work. E chlifor Care Expert in cleanlng rugs. 2 adults, no chidren. Om Sundren eves, Sundays., Also work weekly. Good ref. req. days. Bes't refs. Winnetka 1511. 3862 between 9 and il A. 68L24-ltp AFTERNOON WORK IVANTWHITrE GIRL OR WORd ed. Long exl)erience.wth delieral housework, $7. Mi i-ite children.. (ail Wiflnetka responsible bt 1 wiil he or evenin.g. mi. a. 25S, and instruct. OWn room transp1ortation. 933 Towel 71LT1424-ltp Bioston terrier, 1i.l mos. old. ThorougliIV housebroken. 100% Zith chiîdren. Inocuflated_ against dIstempjjer. Wtl. 127. B3EAUTTFULLY MA RKED MALE- 44LTN244tip Register now. Ph~one Wilmette 1733 6TN23-2tp CalUI. 3220 for heIp. East-side Employmentt Offce OLTNI3s-ttp 71L24ltp D RESPONSIBLE GIRL OR WOMAN TO take came of 2 small chldrn 2 or 3 afternoons. noon to dinner Phoxie Kenil71LTN4-ltp S1Worth ý5282. j