NEW ýýDRESSES Part of a Large PuÜrchase for'Oui ThreStores, gna ensationli CGROUP1 south Green tBayhisIQaU, wnnle car north driving was Lechneron left a making. on the same street,Houlihan was. the archjtect. passA by avenue. Elmtwood cxhiibited intô turn The bouse is heing WV.G. Ruggles. and cornpany of ing automobile took the injured boy Carson to the.Evanston hospital, and àt this Evaniston, furnished 1 of'Clhitie(Tuesday)%,lie has-flot fuùlly rePirie, Scott. and conipany D. C. by landscaped' gained, consciousniess.. His condition cago, and has prevented a cornplete examination Wagstaff, and' company. of Evajnston. and X-ray pictures, and it is flot knoôwn whether or not he sustained a skull fraCture, whitbh vas indicated. Child Dies After Fatal 1'Thc, victim's father, Edward. T. was expected toarrive home Accident at Parents' Home ]Blaker, vhere he rom Florida, yesterday. old James Wrray Erîých, 43/ yearprevious, trip had gone on a business son of Mr. and Mrs. John .D. Emnrich, accident. of the to residents Jr.., for many "cars Wilmetté', live at 625 Washington avenue, Glencoe, who was FOR INFANT WELFARE-fatally-iinjured two weeks, ego in -an "Saint Joan.of Arc," by V. Sacl,accident in his parents' home, passed Ville WVest, is, the subject for the away October 30. Wilmette Infant Welfare hyook reFuneral services mwere conduceted at view by Mrs. Carl j1ohnsen to> be the Glencoe Union church, on Mon- hield Tuesday, Nov'ember 17, at the hy thegev., Dougday oi last wk home of Mrs. NV. A. LoorifiS 1020 las H. Corneli, minister, with burial Hill road, Winnetka. Mirs. johinsetn at the North Shore Garden of Me- considers this book, one of the most li urranngari Liigiilink _______________ I.......PLUS! S~FULL! GAY! igeS i-ons Colora in, Hand-i li S. WC DODCOCK HARRIET S instruetiIÎIg Avenue Gifts Mr. and Mrs. XilIard Morrisoi) moved to Kenilworth recently f rom Evanston and, arc living at 536 Exmoor road. Their son, Tony, is a sttudent at the joseph Sears school. $39~ I 98 Heavy Acetate CT.pes, and Novelty Fal Fabrlcs.Newest Eall Colora .. Sizes for AIlE GROUP 3 $59j~ THANKSGIVING DRESSES ÀÇnsationa~l Group! I WHÂT FUEL .SHALL WE.BURN?'D A Word lo Cool tJsers 1120 CENTRAL AVE., 'Theatre Building WILMETE DESS SHOF Wilmette 2200 13011 LAKE AVE