aen eeingin ansIIwV1 in me q ~ustions whicb cOrne up every day in the Book Week Talk guidan.ce, of your children. It is pubBook Week wil be obscrved at-thi lished moônthly and is the officiai publication of. the- National Congreýs:-of Parents and Teachers. It is a ýmag-, azine listed- by the government flot for :profit. Mrs. Harry N., Ader is in, charge of subscriptions. for our as.sociationi, cal her . at Miinette 377! Annual -Motber*' Tea of the Logaiin school Monday ',fternoon, Novembe 16, at 3: o'clock. Mrs. Cammebellô the National Cotiege 'of Educatic will, speak-'on "Cbildren's Literature andý Mrs. Toose of the Book Boxo of LY. Evanstont will have books on. dispia3 OIL BURNER saRV 1CE HETNG.SERVI:CE, DAY AND NIGHT WIun.*ka DenalCliieThe, The Logan-Ho w'ard >Dental clinic. has started on 'its .sixth year of *serv-ý ice to the children of the community. The first clinic for' the year 1936,'37, was held F riday morning, November Will1.ViSit clinic child study. group, is Sponsoring a visit to the, Social Hygiene clinic, of Chicago, Thursday morning, November,19. Cali Mrs. L. G. Haines,Wilinette 1364, for further informatien. Co*.I JYe, Service Ail a- esë U I VALUES in., GOLO MEDAL CERESOTA PILLSBIJRY mimao GI MdlFLOR AE odMdi .i.g FILAKES CORN 13.UZ. ... 44PKG. 2,5c PG PICG. 11Oc * FO RDel CC9 _________ Moe PEACES 3 4 O. 150so 1KGS.17c 24'/ 2 -LB jeu-0.. Snider s .. CTUP**2 . PITTED DATES . -oz71/4.OZ. .PKG. 25c Priday ond So$urdoy November 13 simd 14 .,r@flt*wry