Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1936, p. 5

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" "I &1 tl&c Ii b 'l'lie moot question* of truck opera- by Miss McKay who held. a similar tien through the four New Trier position in Macon, will be i cnnec-. township Villages, and the routes tion with the book week celebration over wvhich tbey shall operaté, if' at which cormes next wee.k. Iwcluded in ail, iich has occupied the attention the displays wjll' be a number of new hacl called for a substantial of the Illinois' Commerce commis- children's volumes and there will be a which amounit. It was the hope of the sion,* the , Northb Shore Property table for cbildren's books of the workers that -other citizens night Own-ters association and officiais. of present day as contrasted witb anfollow suit -. in increasing their the varions 'villages affected for many other display of books read by chu-_ pledges, even slightly, to insure miointlhs, seems due for an early a.nd I ren of. other 'years. achievemnent of the goal. The .emnnt settilement. The bock' weekmttlis S'ear, amnount stili to be subscribed is The Commerce c ommis sion bas, be- Miss McKay said., wil l)e ',Books We comparativelv small, but the workefore it forcon sideratio)n the applica- Grow' On." ers are deterined, that Wilmette* tjis cf five trncking cornpanies- for The regular ste>ry hour period ivili shall go "over the top.".,certificates of n.ecessity andý con- he restumed this Saturday morning at venieîîce to0 enable them, f0 operate 11 o'clock, Miss McKay added.' over*the. streets of the four villages. Ms.ramlethetffote The issuance of- these certificates. has local library 'recenitly te take a posi-ý heen coe»sistently opposed by officiais tion as librarianiat the. Chicago Music of thé four villages and the North Shore Propertyý Ownersi association. clee l)uring hcarings. held by the ComPreparations for the 1936 Chrismas mission, it is said,, the indicated a t-Re Dai R.K bl bl'camnpaigni, under thfe auspices of vd..K titude, cf that body ýis to grantý the -e.D the.. Chicago Tuberculosis institute, ce rtificates to two ccxnpanies. For' Heads Minister Union thýis reason, it is f'uther stated, ~R. offiThe Rev. Da'vid Kabele of thé- are going forward and wilI soon be cials cf. the four villages determined English Lutheran church cf Wilmette announced. A preliminary meeting te çcônt-tinne opposition to the issu- was elected the new president- of the cf, the Seal comlnittee, headed by alice et, any s'uch certificate, but te Wilmette Minis- Mrs. Bessie Smith, 924 Spanish court, Irotect, as far as, possible, the initerial Union at its terests cf. the villages by adopting a m e e t i nig last will be held in the council chamber cf uniformrn'te for operatien in ~ week, succeeding the Village hall, Friclay evening, Nocase efforts te prevent the issuance the Rev. James' vember 20, under the direction cf Oi curtificates shouid fail. T. V e n e k lasen, the Wilmette lealth Center board, Prepare Resoution., whose term ex- of which Mrs.' J. D. Kinnear, 2241 Te' this end, it Nwas decided te press pired. The union Chestnut avenue, is president. for the adoption by. the Commerce is cf a necessity a To this meeting invitations 'have COmm11ission cf 'a sugges'ted zone plan, small group, býut p yviub id l S*vu Sunday Evening c I u b November, 15, -at 7 :45 o'clock at New Trier hig school. ýMr. Bryan was recently appointed roving "Mfarch of Time"l in Russia and the Far East. His1lecture en japan is the dramatic story f nation that a few Jle ra decades ago lived, Nt Sul in ,paper .houses,.N.lStdi yet now. boasts cf'cities cf àskyscrapers, m)ammoth department 1.stores, movie palaces, neon lights, subways. H-e shows the nation remaking itself to a' new patterrî. His pfrturew 'range' from the outside of a departuient store te the inside, showing japanese women with kimono, obi, and baby, bargain-4iunting like her western sisters; from street scenes te home life. He shows young japan at school, learning its first 3,000 characters, the governiment employing school nurses dosing the 'youngsters with cod-liver 'cil to build a sturdier race. He shows these children being hardened with all sorts of gaines and sports. Leaders. Preépare.« for A nnal Seal Drive in'Village ' . Sauikegali =reaa ravnig beu enlg'Iate(l by 'the commission for thirotiglh truck traffic'. Conforming te, tidu(la, au idenitical resointion wvas prcparcd, sett'ing forth opposition te the i ssuaince of a certificate ef-necessiti. and conivenience, 'limiting sncbi certificateé.te tto companies ini case the Commbniierce commission shonld decide thiat trnck service is a necessity, a nd designatîng the streets over wficl trncks mnay enter and depart f roin the mioe. The resolution was activities clurinz the vear. es of Wilmette in aIl matters per-, taining to church life. The' cooperating churches hol& uniion services for Tbanksgiving, during Lent, and occasionally during the sumimer. Its ministers serve as chaplains for the Village board at its stated meetings, and on niany civic occasions. The Rév . Mr. Kabele will lead' this gronp i its Homner D. Buckley, chairman cof the Cook connity Christmas Seal committee,' will bc 'the principal speaker, and there will be a musical program, fol-' lowed by a talking picture showing various steps in the detection cf tuberculosis ini childrén and scientiflc' methods for checking the dîsease. For this feature Sami Meyer cf Teatro del Lago, wîhl furnishi equiprrent and operator. a baseball-mad nation, with crowds in kimono and redora hats waiting patiently for hours to, gain admission to the grounds. Mr. Bryan shows pictures aise, of the Geisha shows, the japanese theater, puppet plays, lovely Nara, and sacred Nikko. His lecture is to he very fair, free from prejudice and propaganda. A Princeton graduate i 1921,' Mr. Bryan cprxr;d#entere.d the French Ambulance e r 1 17 unel1ýî in muucu-uasus>vu JJaLsuf car. J apais 1 CALL WILMETTE 4300 A sk for A d-taker any certificates of conveniencea '*See speciai rates for used toy cessity to any motok truck comp LCy to I âdvertising in Classified Section. operate motor trucks througl t] ýe Vil-lui (Continued ,on page 7) I nu ne- order.-I The E the Wor n rnay put ack into woî remer, Chair of Wllmette. Lop ls operate, ned a party of tri( ne 'the evening of esday cf last weekL day,

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