GLOVE! cleaned Sre/in1shled MIL W25 central,Avu. cratic vote was the resuir te mte, Alet Opposition Esseutial effective work of James A. Farley's ThOse schooled in the science of undegraduate students. Those -who extensi .ve political machine.. Some parlimcntary governmnent know that, attain 'higb .s-holastic distinction arc emiphasize the direct benefits which the 1)est -la*s are those which, meet recognition to outstatnu-ag also eligible for a-àniber of schol- have flowed fromn the Federal Treas- with an alert, opposition. They are ar-ships that. are, awardcd eacb ycar. ury, claiming, that . they produc.ed -the resuits of extended debate and vots o shergraitue.careful Thv are the.resu:Its Mfr. Vye. Who is the son of Walter BusiessRevval R.Vyc. lives at 1135 Elmiwood ,avactr o coPromises and amenidments. enue, Wilmçtte.-He isajuniior ini Stili others contend that the'resuit Whf le it May flot be' effective ý ir o ythe. numbers, by offering iitelligentý and the school, of engineering, and Js a can làrgely be acone failure of the Republican, party to, constructive oppositio0n to. measures, mlember of Triangle fraternity, present a sufficientlyý affirmative pro-1 the minority will be giving the Presigram along witb its négative protest. dent and the nation a great service. ,%nd there are those.who believe the HOME FOR HOLIDAY lTtis the role of the minority to opresuit, was due more to the noticeable pose. I hat. does flot nican that it 'BillGriin neli, a stuident at the. University ,oif Illinois, 15 colming home business recovery than to anything should oppose everything for ,onPOon Wedncsday to spend the rest of cisc. Their _c ontention. is that, lo't- sition's sake. It doe ntnia tU withstanding what the' .true under- the opposition, should. be stupid, the week. with bis parents, Mr. and and ilsute 320 Mrs.* Albert1. Grinneli of 242ý5 lyin-g economic causes may be, bus,'- vindictive. It mean s that it should l)C ncss revival was sufficient to create alcrt m'ilitanýlt, couragositeien I ýavenue. Kenilworth wvidespread public confidence in the and constructive. geosinliet party and its leaders, seeking contOur best friends 'are oft enou tiiNce b in oer. is an clemet ~s iitics. Thev sàve us fr om rut-h ment Of, many errors. lt cati t-hns very readil3 d- in each of these 'explanations ýbe that the Prcsidcnt's l)est fricnds made of the popular endorsement ofwilbhisnal'irtvOoiio the Admin ist ration. Ail of them rep- who represent the some m11illion resent, ini some fonti or other, thue people wîîo vote<î against 16 tile : van ious factors which entered inIto!Deal. the campaigri. and doubtless others could be added. No one i itsel'f ~ would bc sufficient to explaiti such an 'erald Seng Busy With mpressive Demnocratic victory. I U.-Of Unprecedented Tibute Althoughi the football season i-, not, . Thte important question now Igranrînlg w' 1. Prom Affairs, eiIucemiber 19; Junior Proixi, mian nas ever bcen inthe White] cers flouse with suçh compiete freedomn to1 December 22; Sophornore Cotilliouu, formulate bis policies without regard January 15, and Freshman Frolic, to expedienlcy and sentiment in the January 16. Halls of Congress. The 'people have Proninent ini this social activity. ,%.lll paid hini an unprecedented tributel be Gerald Seng of and conferred upon him an unpre-1 W'ilmettc, who has 401 Lake avenue, been announcecd cedented honor. as co-chaîrnian of the decorations anid With the honor bas come a grave programs committee for the. Junior rcsponsibilit3i. It will be entirely his decision whether the-goverfiment wili Other major nlannP dances whichi will bé. Icontinie with scemes Jr LýA 1,e. -for 'U I 'ON 1-use, and ini the Senate there wiil be 17 ont of a total of 96 <(at the las.t session there were 104 Retnihlicnn menuhers of the House and 23 Republican Senators). Many of the senators and the maionitv of- the. House. membersowe their election to the RosP i ad slide. : t ican be expected that they aniýig oNextpuwicans in thie his way to New York on àuins trip. Tucsday nlighit, Mr. and Ms Crowe lentertaincd at a famlily (limier party for the Reeds. Thursday of last week, Mrs. Crowe's sister, Ms Frederick Byron) Woodard of ', spent a few hours in Chicago while .on ber way to pass thc winter in Mexico City and Saii Antoni 1o, Texas.