Tio fd Fl.,. West RADIATOR COUERS 91W by 27" .- TABLE 2 ZCH4AIRS. $4.95 65c $ l.romnmgBord match. Padand cover VENTILATORS, o, Glas 1*idom Sturdily buit for bard play, with legs screwe'd ini for strength. Durable oak finiishi.. Others to $9.95, 9Y4 by 44e'.. 9y4 by 5". $Z66 5c . 65C 1"x35'y with walnut or "ivory brackets. Waln-ut finish. DESIK ond CHAIR Modernistic in desigu, fitiished in maple, with, ail the features of a real $.5 desk! TO0ILET Str«omilied Wagon. $3,79 .wagon of heavy steel Coiitriitti*fl, BATH. SCALES U" Il ite. enanieled with chroine bar bfges. -iý aid STANDI St r e a m Ii n ed red horn, a nd w itIi spoke $1039 Green, ivory or red. Chirome timmed. wheels. Str.emIined SCOOITER $1 W o o d platform, and ail rubber tires. Shirley. Temple DOL1.S. $4.95 DYDE ABY. $,5.95 It sleeps, eats, and can be diapered t. Complète with layette. and suitcase. //'>~' ires and 18" black Waterproof lining A1 UL .... 33C GFFOOD~ 88C cans 25e .. .. ....Lb. 8C ,oat eP.Ime jmfte llooIJE BO LUlT' S - EVANSTON wlth, Shtnup and . .3.. 8U . WILUBTTE LIFE