SU*,SCRI PTION $ 2 PIEIL All communications and cation must bear the nam a aaarets or ithe puixor, not necoesarily for publicationý ut for Our files. Sucti material muet reath the editor by iesd.ay ntoon to bc in tinw for ihe current issUe. is 10 o'cîock, mec alot ot satis- even yourself. uipon as à suifficient subscription from -a donor financ ially able to travel extensively in this or other countries, or likely. to receive the blessini., bestowed upori theý widow's mite. Cbest giving ctandn must be placed upona different basis than subscribing what we cati well dowithout. If some sacrifice must be made, some pleasure given up. somre, indulgence surrendered. in order to make a donation of fair. proportions té the Chest fund. it wilI bring to the donlor conmpensation in self-gratification far beyond- the amount, involved. The sooner we stop looking upon CommunityChest budgets as charity. and recognlize themf for wbat tbey really are, aids to agencies devoted t,) the upbuilding of character amongý both children a.idl adults, the rehabilitation of broken families and the establishing of a better citizenship, the sooner we will quit l)eing stingy and give.iii just .proportion to our ability. HENIRY J.,HAACK Death last week. removed from Wilmette one of its most valued and valuable the person of Henry J. Haack, long ideiltified with its: civie and community life. To say tbat hie was held in higbest esteemn by those who knew* hini as an officiai, and with genuine affection by those wh nwhim intimately, is but to state a trutb. Intensely public-spirited, he gave in unmeasured qtantity. of his time and talents 'to those serie to whichlie was called by is fellow townsmen. Always unassuming and unobtrusive, bie went. about those duties quietly but éfficiently, bringing to the solution of local probleins à knowledge. and expérience gai.a.d over many years taiig as a trusted executive of Marshall Field and company's retail store. As a Village trustée and member of the Playground and Recreation board, Mr. Jlaack served the Village with distinction. As a member, and at the time of bis death president, of the Wilmette Park board, hie was largely responsible for the recent splendid improvements of Washingto>n and Vattman parks. No one unacquainted with, the extent of these improvements and the de- It is said that at the auto show the ladies are copying the Wise looks of :the. men. The dear things should k1now that flot one man in a huixdred knows, the diff erence between, a ca rburetor and the, wheelbase. In order'to save the> time of réaders in following the. fortunesand4 misfortunes of the King andi Wally, we have arrainged1 in, chronological sequence the things that bappen and do flot 'happen day_ by day.. Cui. this out and post it in a conspicuous place.,Not W only will'it relieve you of the , duty of reading, a1 lot of smooch that isn't true, bu.t it, will - permit you to pose as beinig'well informed on up-to. the-minute stuif about the VA great afair: Monday - The King ivili The King will -_____ ANOTHER WARNING In the recent serious inijury to a niorthi shore boy. who was throwln fromi his bicycle by col-ý lision with ani automobile while, it is alleged, be was riding at nighit witholut lighits, there comes stili another -warning to bicycle riders to adopt 71il Possible precauitions against accidents. This boy was so seriously injured. that lie had niot fullý niarry Wa1ly. not marry WalIy. Wally will mnarry the King. WalIy ill flot marry the Kitng.I ,,i: Tuesday - The Archbishop of Cainterbutry ini a blue funk and wjil ot p)ermlit the mnarriage. T'le Archbishop of. Canterbur is deliglited. and will tie the knot and bestow his blessing. Wedneaday - The King entertained \\ai]%, at Fort Bel%,edere over the week-end. Thle Kn did not entertai.p Wally at Fort B»elvedlere ovur spurred on by the hixgb ideals which madlelits tenure of office outstainding. This community owes to Mr. IHaack a debt-of gratitude for the quality and measure of service he b'as rendered, without financial ri-eward or thought of personal aggrandizement. DoN'T BE STINGY1 ý ing bicycles on. the streets, alreacty crowded %vith automobiles, and only the utmost care on their part, as well as that of drivers, cati prevent frequent recurrences oif tbese unfortunat.e bappenings, some of wvich are practically certain to be fatal. Parents sbould flot only insist -upon chîldren carrving bead and tail ligbts on their wheels, but sbould educate tbern to the fact that tbe auto'mobile cannot always be easily cbanged in its course, or brought to a hait quickly enough to on account of sne is a sleepyhead. . Auti essie is. said to be a rotten chapérone, on. account of she seldom ýif ever sleeps. Friday - The Mother Queen absolutely for-* bids the marriage. The Mother Queen is as deeply in love with Wally as is Davey, anidearly., wants ber for a daughter. Saturday - A commnittee of high futictionaries bas put its foot down, forbidding the marriage, and selected a wife . for. the King from bis own part- of town. The King tells the functionaries to go iump in the lake. that be will do as lie haro on papa-tn-lawr be complications. can be governed by us, or by any other outstde agency. , It msust be decided by the inner consciousness of the individual, by bis interest in his neighbors and their children, and his conception of how important îs the,cal ofbis com-, ot butlcltng operations, which could then be completed in time for occupants to' enjoy a. large part of the summer in their, new homes. JLookcs Peggy Joyce h, has again been. sued as a love pirate. Leave it to Peggy. She gets 'em corning and going. sPuANJi0m RIpoitRoR. THt