rTheatre. in'Ciao bilco chre .crvanston, wno 's ini rissey, Mrs. L.Mrs. E. Mee, M. 'L, Mor- jchapa ftikt aes., L. C. Mrs. Neif, M. Mrs. L.J ville, 0. The second plav of a series of three whicli the college is sponsorin91 "Piniocchio". is a favorite with. children telling the adventures of, a munaWay toy miarionette 'wjho cornes to life., The entire production will, be .modeled, on that given..by the saine, troupe, last sea son at'the Studebaker t enso ini ")it,Gra-thre they saw the Northwest, Mr. Allison, a senior, is Michigan, football gaine. SchoqlasSeàd DeIciiatjon& There will be delegations of children and, teacher-s at the play 'fromi veral of the north shore schools. an -the villaçze school of Bantiockburn is coming enimasse to see Pinoccbio's antics. Patrons and patronesses for this play and for"Th Tvler." the last play of the series which will be given on Marci 5. includes: Mr. and'Mrs.: Bernard Fallon. Mr. and- Mrs. W.. Vandervoort Gathany M r. and Mrs. A. W. Peake, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Shelton.' Mr and Mrs. jason Whitnev. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. ("Tuig") Wil oni of Evanston. Dr. and Mrq. Earl E. Grahamn, Mr. and Mrs. William KixMiller. Mr. and Mrs. Dwi 'ht Ramsav. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haberkorn. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tarrant of Wilrnette. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris Barber. Mr. and Ms. MÀ\elvin Veeder, and M r. and '.frs. Sidney' Nelson of WVinnetka, an-d '.\I. and Mrs. William ,sClarkçe, Mr. and Mrs.- Keiineth L-b. Fox. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eklrund of dlencoe. . On Saturday, Stunday and Mondsiy, November 21, 22 and 23, from 3 to 10 p. mn., Tom Wilder, 1824 Rice street, Ravinia, wilI hold his eighth annual studio show. This year Mr. Wilder's subjects are drawn mostly from the surrouiding country, the ravines, the wooded areas along the lake and the open countryside to theWest, and depict these localities i their most charming mode,. theWW delicate pastel shades of spring ami the riotous, flaming bues of autunmn. The pictures are with a few exand ëcoloxf pi, realistic enough to givee trpthfui im pr e ssi o ns, degorative Tomi Wilder, Artist, Opens Show Nov. 21 1 UT UR IE U! U h W UM] ception~s, not large. They -are fresh 74< the fam* y athes for aetv dno yu rewitL he i L piit -. .,. enuhto give artistic satisfaction ~. andl careful enough té relieve, one .of thecosciusessofpait t aergeWhsn rane. n sort ness are amt lavhome pi r ese.: i nedt ç espec al o the re nsm u d y mr o e A t l et phne4, t sb a cu a is r inteby b l ck theprtst ri n i p ive c ol r sI .-. Aearly ntember of the North Shore Art league~, be now is president of ' its conipanion organization, the Lake County Art league. HOME FOR HOLIDAY rrTake advantage of the bargain Long Distance rates which [arc in effeet affer 7 each evening and ail day Sunday.J L lENESiS 9LLEI E J bmE ES ~ cf Miss Jeanne Scarratt, a senior at the University, of Illinois, wiIl spend Thanksgiving week-end witbh lem, father and piother, Mr. anrd Mrs. >1LW A.'W. Scarratt of 521 Kefiilworth1 avenue, Kenilworth. E c