schooI. Dues of active, members are srnaIi andi have been suplcenited in the past bY contributions fromi pat rons. This year the societyý is offering as- 1 ýsociate mnembersliPsl to north shorie residents who,. though thenisel'ves unilable to take active part, nevertheless appreciate, the value of this type Of Musical: endeavor and wisil to, support it., Associate mnembers receivbe four tickets for each concert' aii are wclcome at. relîcarsals, held .on Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock at \Vintnetka Commituiiv House "he oéffi.cers of hescetyae .rnold Bapresideit; -Francis Lackner, J r.,. vice-president; MrZi. Hlerbert Sieck, secretary, and<I Mrs. Nlayl)ll- Kentnor,- treasurer., Application for or as-_ sociate, mnay bc made to an)- officer. STAUITINO TODAT An increase of 44 naames is shown in the 193") "Dean'sI.List" of ouitstand*ing students in'the College of t.iberal Arts and Sciences at thie Uni%-ersitv I of Illinois. The list, announced thisj week contains 172 nafles, ilicludiing! 101 juniors and 71 seniorsý. Sciiolarship and -somce accomplishnient ot her than scholastic". are rcquircd for flic honor. Character, generat abilitv, and %vork in campus activities art con- 1 sidered. qtudents. on. the lisýt arci granted special option andI freedoin in their collegze %ork, and nientiOti of the honor is included ini their officiali college record. Amnong those on the list is wVil- William B. Katz ls on 1936 Deans List at Ut I.; SALE liam B. Katz of 415 \\'slingtoll nue. Wilmette. aVe- J Purdue Is Placed on Wildcat '37 Sehedule' Northwestern's 1937 football schedie ill be the Saine as 1936 with two exceptions. Iowa State ivill replace North Dakota State and Purdue wjll replace Ioiva. The coinpleter roaci, Kenilworth, spent the week-end at Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y.; visiting bis son, Roger Allan, a sophomore in the School of Architecture. Mr. CrQwe attended the Dartnoub-Crnell football game and was the guest of his son at the Chi Psi lodge.: e * e 'e STREET *..273 EAST DEERPATII ITY600 SOUTH MICHIGAN