Fail Festival Is Open io*r Two Days at Methodit Cliurch Trod ay'and tomnorrow. th e Fali Festival at the Wilmette Parish Methodist church will be open firomù 101 in the morning. until. 10 in the evening. Theire are many bazaar articles of al kinds, and varicties; luncheons, aftiernoon tea, and dinners will be served; there are mnore than one hun-ý dred exhibits in., the,'-H o bby show, including those of chuidren and- adults. and therel wili be mny carnival features. Bazàar items Will.bedispayed in. rooms decorated to resemble forejgn countries with picturesque murals on the walls. The women will:be in àp-propriate costumes for eacb country. are Among the outstanding articles linen band-blocked of knitting-staflds and wool mohair, Swedish aprons, hand-embroidered Italian baskets, a handmade quiît, Mexican glassware, peasant linens and pottery ini the Sale Now Open as Circle,,Beneflit Under. the auspices of the First Congregational church. a rutumnage and. white elephant sale wvill be- held Thûrsdayv and Friday of this week atý 1131 Greenleaf avenu.e.Wilmette, ,one, door east.of the Economy shop., The doors will, open at 7:i30 Articles for every member -of, thé. faiîy and for each room in the. bouse, from ,basemnent to attic, miIl be où sale. There will bc a quantity of clothing. of course, but -iniaddition the committee blas niade.aspecial effort to supply unusual demands that cannot ordinarily be met, at a sale. of this kiind. They have secured a, clothes horse, waffle irons, and a qttaliity o.f kitchen utensils among otiier * i things. Mexican room, fancy pillows and aprons. crocheted, luncheon sets, Ilcording MIrs. Bruce P. Owens of 714 EliinW00ol avenuÙe is chairman of the sale. Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, 835 'Eliiwood avenue, is. iii charge of publicity-, and Mrs. D. C. Kemp, 1030 Ashland avenue, is the circle chairnian. Othcr officers of the circle assisting witb the plans include: Mrs. Lorin Bower, re- secretary; Mrs. Oscar T'owi- kflcflCU. Lunchegns- in ,sniorgasbord style and dinners will be served in the dining-roorn decorated in a gzarden effect. Tonght a turkey dinner wilî bc oinas E. uqy or LH:1 for a brie! 1Siolix Ç:ty, Mrs. andIozva. zith Mr. served; roast beef is on the menu for. tomorrow nigbt. . Durinz the afternoons coffee and 1 Swedish cakes wil be served in the Swedish coffee shop in charge of Mrs. Martin E. Wells. Peycke. Peycke tcus graduatedfrom Ferry hall, and Mr. Huif attended Lake Missr Forest acaderny, an&d Menlo Junior college ini Polo Alto, C'al. He is in, business m' Chicago. No >date has been., set for theiir û1eddin. Mrs. Bruce Owens, ways and mean< charimian; and Mrs. Julius Rotih, hostess and telephone chairman. The regular meeting of the. circle, the last Monday of the month, will be beldý Monday, November 30. The place of the meeting will be announced at a later date. Speaks dart throwng, and other games o kl.a trained doz act, and performnance by "Jimmiy" the wonder monkcy. "Jimiuy" will give four performantes tubh clw between 4 and 9 edcock-1. S. this eveniflg (Thursday), by. the junior auxiliary of the Womani'. Club of Wihnette, ai Shawnee tountry club. , Swimnming is scheduled from 5:30 to 6 :30, with dinner at 7, alter which the social cohimittee will takecharge of, the evening. goods sale tliis Saturday morning at the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea 'company's store at 1109 Central aveMr. ai Mrs. Uoward Bent of 2M0 nue. In charge of the sale wil. be to WilMrs. J Mark Hiale, 1051 Ramona Beechwood avenue. returned trip short a from Tuesday on mette road, ami 'Mrs. George- Stewart,« 240W through Iowa., Iroquws4 road.«