II W. WsnfnS. hcg FRANKLIN 2661 toamCors.do-hMInst O'Brien .& Pain Building coutractOrs sould availtheiscivs0ofthe 'rond hy BOuder' SOeie., An unusua heaing's.Vstem, combining the best Eu iropeani and Aincrican Practice. is mie. of the distingushing feailires of Mhis nîew residence designed by Deiiioo B. Hunit, architect, for his 0ou'n ulse. Thecgeoieral contract uw au-arded.f0 H.. B. Barnard, alid groupid was broken. los!t summer oit the thrce-acire lot , C., Colft Daugn d real estate developmient on lli road in> Wiernetka, ýkptorc'i as Danghaday 'ticres. gaa' Gni*n Roc4 k, gst<ime pI.ybox Sa4 Lawu Lime. Leis T. Dodds ofrWinnet)oe Reports IELLS 'A fIA~ Nunierous Transctions lulders' Service 'INc. Phone Winnetka $12 Lewis T. Dodds, real estate broker at Winnetka, announces the following sales of acreage along the north shore: Herman G. Stoli to Heber B. Fate, one acre. Sunset Ridge district. SIn style the house is based on- Georgian precedent. The exterior is of rea iiandmade brick -with wood trirn, painted white, and red shingle tile roof. Th'e interior is finished ini character with the exterior excepting the service portion whicli is funictional and efficiently modern. Among the features in the bouse are the long entrance hall and oval staircase; the large number 'of fireplaces ; the dining-roonî witidows which have panels below the lnwer sash which a ýNon -Cofor.ng- Lot at EIm, Locusts Sts. Now Vacant Pro>erty Non-conforming use properties in Winnetka have been reduced>b-y onle. with the passing of the northxvest corner of EIni and Locust streets. into residéntialty -Ëoned classification., Thle. property, now vacant, bas a« frontage of 100 feet, on Eln street.. It is owned by a non-resident. and is Construttion M$odernization, Repairs Peter L. Happ et ai to' Dr. M. C. Hecht of Wilmette, WilIow road, North.field homesite. Charles Elsner, Barrington, to Ernest' Euchelmayer, Glencoe, 6ý/4 acres on Sunset Ridge road. Trust Comnpany of Chicago to Herbert Nelsen, one acre on Drury lane, Northfield. William Levernier to.,Louis Falk- hyv radiation. The ceilings are warmed by buried hot water pipe coils to a temperature where they emit long wave heat rays which 'keep tue occupants warmn without raising the air temperature unnecessarily: Cooler air (wvith' equal sensation of warmnth) mneans less dryitng out of furniture and less need for humidification.~ To supply the niecessary humidity, however. a' ventilation systen, is installed which' cani e tlsed to dehvdrate th i-b r i smm into use as a site for horse barns. a i d( operatcd by George SculIy, as thl( Winnetka Teamiîig compan.v. rîiat was more than 40 years ago. It was later leased to the late ,av rence J. Hayes, who, under the name of. Winnetka Teaniing and Supply conipany, continued a similar btisine.ss there for a nuniber of years, wvhenl the property was sold to the late B. W. Blow, to serve in a like capacit-, until a few vears ao. 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanstos 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago Central 0227 Univcrsity 2600 -oduction of Novemboýr o1ana éllas taking an active 5, pat in iasi the1 10w. Mrs. Burleigh . will.,conicentrate on: ncoe and Highland Park proper- the plan. pubic is being' urged to have ther members of the sales staff itsThle houses and other property reude Mrs. 'Louis Edward Tilden of paired.and otherwise put ini weatherMston, Mrs. Delvene' K. Vernon tiight shape, to avoid % excessive> Winnetkça, and Mrs. A. H. Witz- preciàtioni-as« well> as discomfort dedur,n, Jr-.of Wilmette. nthcodmnhs