tend the convention. >oration ineritaker to 'at-' Mr. and Mrs. Marden .S. Pierson (Sarah Page), left. Sunday, morning forlPittsburgh where Mr. Pierson was called to accept a business position. w. eam ya .ompléte UË.0f tsià. slo pors ua4. by ha4ltMImRÉ.- I 111 'i Bank ýtograph Jamtes afiPear- ., WINDOW SHADES 0 VENETIAN DLINDS ad e se Order Amy Ma# fDsi T/te IlViliiette architects, Robert S. Arntold & Associates, architccts with offices iki thej buIlilding9, 14'ilnette, have dcsiuttecd t/us signiflcant kitclten and ser'iCe tunit. T/te above perspei illustra tes t/we rehubiiitauont ofte service unit of thte fine oId H ighlautd Park residence of il ircudeuutha!. -As gas truc of iitany fiole homes of Pr-ecediint, yenerJauldi.ns, ifle attentio.nt wc onICe of thei kitçlteni, bifle.r's pant-ry, and servaniits' dillié1g rofflI. giv(-.ti three inter-relatcd rooins givnhre comparative .te-e r to con-- i1 shapelessiless, zI simple forins;t replace obsoletea-1 unsanitary çabiiietrv with mIodlern vVA.1Doil steel cabinets, stainiless steel siiks, yV .MDsnI jElectioneering during October may and steel and linoleum couniter tops, Beauitifil Shawnee club in Wi-have set an all-time high for nationand to. replace ail protruding woodeti mette will again stage a gala ifigl htfrai campaigns, but it failed to take casings, stispetided liglbting fixtures, the realtors. on ediiesday, D( ecem-1 and other unsaiiitary accessories, %vith ber 16, Miecn it %vill play host ti to the interest froin the real estate market. flush tvpe niodemr conveniences. jw.%alistoni-Northi Shore Real E Estate This w.as, the statement yesterday of vert tiieni iinto efficient, cdean an ýer for LDecen.zber 16 444481111 lJ 445 L4~'f to get .ready for the big party." October Realty Sales Volume Shows Big Rise o., Impr@v.d North Shore. .REAL EUTATE MORTGAGES:.. If wiII pay vou fo led stainless sink. and is a teattire of this operation. Al sinks and cabinets are bv the Art Metal Construction company, wbich is making the entire installatîon. Ail detail supervision is hy thé architects. cr will De te roastmaster outhe eCvvning and the attendance wiIl bc linited to 350 realtors and their fricnds. William H. johfiston,, jr., general chairman of the banquet cominittee, forecasts fair Weather anà fairer 105 Sall. St. 1