F. With the magnetic figures of Fredric March. Warner Baxter, Lionel pelled the sprightIy and talented said to be Barrymiore. a nd Gregoril Ratoif comiedienne to return and assist in heading the cast, "Road to Glorv" the rehahilitation -o;teleiiýt The picture is based' on a seriesJ almoýt submerges ils great actors in theater. Uclgtmt ofstories writîen by William flaz lett the iiimienisity of its A <eca(le ago, Miss Gr grip'ping story. '.eeinood w as UT'pson and which appeared in. the This newest exposure of the hor- the stalidout coméedienine of, the. Tors of war .Will be ehw t theý American thecater. FiHer; faine w as -Saturday Evenling Post. Valencia theater this Friday. and kno wn f rom Maille ta.California '.Je brings,:t life on bbc screen the Saturdav. through bher p)erfornialces in such hero of these cOmedies, that bluilder-; To the front comes a young, popular successes as "goSo lig ietty,"l Sh-Couldn't SaY No" andl "Parlor,ý ing, and ini bis o French lieniutenant,ý March. tojin énàçgtistic.al. estimation, natural bonii super-saleshis, captain, played bv Baxtei. The Bcdrôom and Bath."' latter h as stood at bis ,tvraeking post Alid 1on next Sun day night ini Chi- man, Alexander Botîs, who. someuntil bis lnerves are shattered. His c4go at the c Selwvn thecater, how ýalways wins. out , i the*end sweetheart. a bospital nurse, lune Grecniwood Will againî. make -a bidMiss. for desPite bis egregious ristakes. m Lank. is his one, link with love, and popularity w itil ber legion of admirersI in this territory. prcsenting *11 tenderniess. Joe fiastwo leading women in in the Picture, one whom he loses tb An epic. that neither preaches nor On L-ett v." a ri%'al :wheii:bhe leaves town and nmoralizes but tell-, its storv with the other whonxlhe finds is quite forceful restraint' and the grandeur of sizppijtv, it i, sone <ofIthe unjoc H-ayes. m] nof, ad li. .Mrs. uliwiliIig to play second fiddle when forgettahie pictures of the scrceen. Clarke I1- Haves of 911LJake a\velu,, lie gtfoYidly tells lier hie would bave The tetnsitv- of the sceneiicIi whicl, vs expected to arrive in Xiineué niarried the fir.st girl onbily lhe disthe encilv i1ýplantiliz a mine )eticatl, the earlv part of next week fron) covered thàt stie alreadY Iîad become thedu-ot.the Ihoiha.rdmieiit,. the -Minlneap)olis for a s1ort v-isit %vithi abride. liglhtq and shadou-s arc ail back-t lis parents. Ile plans g rolind for the meni who miask, their tiI1 after Thanksgiving. to renialin un emotioiisini the face of death., MNvNail GodIfrevý." an enitertaining film that m-ilI orobahlv take its place as otme of the leading pieces * of enitertaitiments of ;ts terni-I wI! - Mr., Bat., Nov. 20-21 j Mch ime- , Feature St rtaFrday at 7:50, Feature: Starts Baturday. Lt' 10 of Sun., Mon., Tues.,, wed.* NOV., 22, 23, 24, 25 Extaa--uMAnNm Froe Mai a d Olivia de Havilauid StartS Sun. nt 2:10, 4:40, 710, 9:45 StartsMon.,Tues.,Wd.7:15,9:45 Thurs., Fr1., Nov. 26-27 Sibeelal Holiday Matue Both Days "rauBit;GME PARENTSI Would 1. Child fo. Y.. Like Your James GhacIm-Jqae Travis As'Davmu, the.societi b'utterfly contrasted vil thec pressing, need and opportunil for social service. There is clevi dialogue, a competent cast, and aiý direction to the last detail. "To Mary With Love," starrin My'rna Loy and Warner Baxter wi be shom-n at the Valencia on Tueý day. andi Wednesdav of îîcxt week,t the hilm tells of thce'uselessness4 VMATINE DAILY 1 1t isa a iI m au r ou n d ho u s e 0visit and Iearn about a farmh rith à group <of reilboy-s or g"r ad capable int.rested leaders? gats., Perfci weok day-g, 6:30 me begins at 7l p i. doors open at >begins Lt 1:00 25e Eves., Sun., MOI. I 5 ~C Mon. t. Sot. -Members called for at school. one and two limes a week and reîurned home aI dinner limne. 1:30 to 6:30 p. m. Cartoon - Musical- Comedy DO0N H EA TO.N P'eature :45, 4:30, Greenleaf 4290