THE ST 1h. Standard Dealer wilI *ushb your radiotor. check for Ieaks and put i., Radi», tor SMor if n.cessry#. Ne cordes the becs anti- SPARI( PLUOS Many.Standard Deolers wiII test, clean ond regap your spork plugs. They con1 supply Iw, spork plugs when yeu need tÔa.. CRAMKCASE %r easy wlnter stortlng and scàfe running, thie, Standard Dealer will drafin -t moite your wlntelr geor-l shlftIig easy and prevent. extra lad on yous angine&. the Standard Dernier will clean out old lubrloaênt TRANSMISSION DIFFERENTIAL. Summer différentiai lubricanttthlck.ns in cold-puts. an extra drog on your engin.1he Standard Dernier wilI dJean out 011 1GASOLUNE, And, of course, the Stondard Dernier wiUI OU yor tank with Standard a.-