SmaiI ringief curis et the in the. "home for isdes the. ýho61ildys" .style en.ioy. Ing trélmehdouscvogue flow. Or a combinat ion wave made to-ordértfo fit your personaliltl - HOME FOR THANJC$CIVING flilly Sihythe is home frorn Purdue to spend Thanksgiving day witb his parents. Mr., and Mrs. W. H. Smythe of, 43Kenilwortb avenue,-Kenilwortb. M r. and Mrs. Smythe are having as lner guest on Thanksgiving thi Miss. }larriet Webster of 1601 Tenth street, Wilnîette. Ei WILMETTE BEAUTY 1137 CenfrôlI Avre.. Thanksgiving Special45 SHOP I I l I Fine garments to order reasonable. Sampies submltted at. your home at anyy Urne. E. V. PRICE & CO. D. H. BONNEMP Agent 1117 Greenleaf IPh. Wli. 1944 Eagllsh Toffee, Rospberry Dce. VaiIIo4 Rffgu lue ram (QUAI1q PEACOCK*S. 413 Linden Ave. Mofiett-itussell Photo Dr. Herbert L. Willett, j niinister. of the,.Keuilwýorth Union chtirch, is spending part of thie week in Memphis, Te»,z., g*vtig a se ries of addresses omi'"Christian Uit y" ùunder auspices of the Miiiisterial associattin, thatciy~. This i tmnc of several such series which hie is gi7iing iii various places duriiug the Year. ICE !>Ublic Service Gives Bonus and Wage Boost Directors of the Public, Service 'ompany of Northern Illinois this' 'eek authorized payment of a bonius i-th.e'l Der ýci StEvanston Final plans for the operation of a d"winter beach» at New Trier H-igh school's new ,iatatoriurn were announced this week by Edgar B. jacson, coach of swimming at the highi school,,who will be in charge. The.-pool0 will he. open to the aduits of. the township on Monday and Wednesday evening,. Mr. Jackson stated, while children's classes are to be' held every. Saturday morning. That schedule- will takeeffect on Wednesday evening of'next week., -Tie depth of the pool at the shal-* low ,end is 42 inches, Mr. Jackson, explained, and any child able-tO stand up.with ease in that depth of %vater will bie accepted in - the Saturday morning classes. This requiremnent will be in lieu -of an age limitation.. Dbivided Iinto Clauses Boys will swim on Saturday mnornings from 9:30 to 10:15 o'clock. and the girls wilI swim from 10 :30 to 111-~5 ':ociock. They wil4 be, divided into classes according to their ability and ail instruction will be under thie supervision of Mr. Jackson. A special group for the extremely timid boys and girls will be conducted from il1:30 o'clock until noon ini case of need, it was adcled. The general mixed swimming periods for adults on Monday and Wednesday evenings 1 will begin «-at 8:30 continue for on.e ri'è1lc and. wil 4' Visit Our Tremendous Display! Thse Largest awd, Most COMPLETIE Toyland in Spol eveilnig There. will be no general swimiming permitted on the Monday and Wednesday sessions until 8 :30 o'clock, it was emphasized Doctor'a Certificates Certificates from a physician declaring them to be in good general healtb must be presented by aduits before they are admitted. to the pool t 1119~-21 WiLui 183-I 84 shore wîiI be Ilud i-app and Stanley joncs, as assistants, and Mrs. Albert Wiese, registrar. In addition also tô locker rooxn attendants, tIiere will be a staff of 25 selected and specially trained, young Men, all students at ithe school,. who wilI aid.