The North End circle will meet at the home~ of Mrs. D, M. Gallie, Sr., 1027 Elmwood &venue Monday, November 30. 'fng hostesses wll be Miss Theas Florence Butz, Mrs. C. L. Banker and Mrs. C. Eldridge. The Cozy Corner circle wIll meet at, the home of Mrs. Enoch Steen, 1536 Spencer avenue, Thuràday, D1ecember 9. Ass4istlng hostesses: Mrs. . G oode, Mrs. R., Gordon and Mrs.;J. C. A. Anderson;.ransI The Union Thnsling will be held ln the Methodlst Episcopal chuýrch. thursday, November- 26, at 10:30 a. mi. ýDr. G. D. Allison qWill preach. Church school in ail departments convpnes at 9 :30. . . Beginners meet during, the mornlng ,cburch service pérlod. The Childr en's World Friendshlp Group meets at the' sane ie re for Primary and Junior boys an-d girls. Mr. Woolhiser is past president and now member of the board of the International City Managers' association, antd Mr. Zimùmermaàn is. chairman of.the Illinois conference o n the council'manager, plan. The purpose of tbe conference, it was exéýplained, is to secure an amendnment to the state law permitting al cities to ailopt the council manager form, of governlment by referendum vote. mette V ilage trustee. Poo&a of techeb .. . me whnyTou chiale ue-eto iake voue holiday f««ameseuy <mol,. fare Anud belowlsOR1v a puli 1Ilmef te.manyfine ood »ale.s nt voue A&P Fobod Sete chlie .k SUNNY191ELO YrUKON CLUB GINGER.,ALE' 24-OZ. Depiet West, Indièe Ciruise ,in Color Film Trhe North Shore Travel Service of Evanston, in ýcooperation, RaymnndWhitcomb and: the :Cunaird White Star,- is'.showing color motion pictures of their West Indies winter cruises on the Britanniç. These trayel pic~tures are unusual ini that they have caught the deep colors found in the Caribbean and tell a complete cruise story from the time the cruise slip leaves New York until it's returnincluding niany interestingz shots of actual cruise life and sports aboard ship. The pictures were taken on the new Kodachrome film bv Guy A. RF.GILAR AX!çOUNCE31ENTS, *Tuesday-7 :30 1). M.-Boy Scout Troop No. I. Wednesday - 3:30 p. ni. - Brownles; 7:30 p. n.-Boy Scout Troop No. 2. Thuùîdayr-4:30 1. ~Chor b hearsal. 4 p. in.-Boys' Choir rehearsal. 4 p. n.-Canip Fire Girls. 7 :15 p.n-Senior Choir rehearsai. Cub Pack 63 meets, in dens weekly. Inquire of Howard A. Hindley. NORTHERN EXTRA PANCY Aged Resident Dies at Evanston Home of Son Xirs. Mathilda M. Carver, 75 years old, a resident of the village for 15 vears. ad ,rammbr of thplATiimette 9to 20 lb. avg. Ib. F~or the. past several years, Mrs. Carver had-lived with her son-in-law and daughfter, Mir. and Mrs. R. A. Sellery, 908 Ashland avenue, Wilmette. After the deatb of ber daughreter, Florenice Carver Sellery, mained ini the home tô care for ber grandchildren. Funeral services were hield Tuesday afternoon at Graceland cemetery chapel .with the Rev. Percy E. Burtt of the Nortliminster Presbyterian -she cancers" anxd in the hour ai-d a half showing covers such ports and islands as St. Thomas, Puerto Rico, Martiniquie, Trinidad, Grenada, Caracas, Ctaracao, Cartagena, the Canal Zone, Jamaica, and H-avana, as well as Nas-. snand Bermuda. Invitations areý extended to those interested in the West Indies and Winter Crtiising. The showing will be held in the ROASTING CHICKENS Egbert Compton. RETURN 4HOME Mr. and Mrs. Il. K. Snid arrived at their home, 1359 Q road, .Deerfield after sPend summer on Cape Cod. iends from