* up the criminal ; thie state's attorney's offce prepares the case; the jury convicts on the evidence, for time ln b. to. noon and the. court imposes a sentence fitting the crime. mueut rnsch the editor. by Tuemday And. then,ý after a. few ffionths, a couple 'of znemthé, çurrent -lulme bers of the pardon and parole board nullify ýail that these aigenicies have done by turniig. flic n %-*ji)RSTMA GING, cnit back onto society, often without warning :that might enàable it -to proteçt itself, WVith the TIhaniksgiving turkey cisposed ýof, and against other criminal >.acts. at. noôrmalcy, Physical and the return of mental of prgy annual the on A complete, revision of the state penal and parole. tention Will be centered systems must be made in; order to rectify the Christmas. gif t buying and giving. Loglit bring to abuses now s0 prevalent.ý It is reported that required articles of. will be made out immediate the of several buis 'will be presented at the next session yuleticle joy to ail members opf thbe Iegislature to correct existing faults. ReWhy-,--not-: friends. family, near relaiv es and whom people inàclude to year this should. also be made of the penal code to t poin a it vision 1.make you have neyer known and probably neyer. will permit judges to impose sentences-.thaLmean ýwhat th.ey say. And the pardon and parole boài-T know? where especially if it is continued,' should be required to serve family, In practically, every found be« to public notice, through the press and to the office is there there are growing children, Se wouild the state's attorney, when the application of of that unused innumerable articles long a.ideredby it; W$.cy .>sfinannot coeait ja to eb. anvy 'iles fam other to veiable Godwuls or required in tbe hearneeded not Such thing one the needed. sorely tbings cially able to purchase It does not serve for parole. for children, applications of to ing restricted be not articles need. applîcant, for lie the of of reputation the necessities shield -to the even without is aduit many an criminal. Its convicted a as known alreadv luxuries. is of nothing say to e, if comfortable onlv accomplishment lis harm to the public, and Toys and outgrown clothing now littering the need a meet the public is about "fed up" on it. The practice woutd closets the attic or crowding Disof secret paroles must stop. yours. than fortunate less. of other children could woinen and men both carded clothingfor be put to useful purpose if- placed in the proper hands. Chairs, desks, tables and other pieces of ,emarily for publicationl, bufor our fie. Sucu xuumicru his sake we hope he arrangea to fngnt thie îast ** one first. Chicago police have been instructed by the superintendetit to kéep their hands out of their pockets while on duty. Why don't he makethem keep their hands out-of other people's pockets ? "Neyer put off' until ,tot.nrrow.'what you, cati. do today,". reads an old proverb and a wise one. Anî expectanrt fmothér went shop ping. for, baby clothes the, other day and returned home with both the clôthes and the baby. In, our humble way we join withi American tegionnaires: in :a sorrowful ýýgoodbye to ýMme. Ernestine Schumiann-Heink. Wbat a.royal title "Mother of thé was bersAmerican Legion 1" And in wvhat, fine spirit of. loyalty to Amnerica did she so spiendidly earn it!1 To fewmothers did the late war mean so mucli as> to~ lier. Wit4h a son in the. American army fighting another son in the German army, great indeed must have been the pull at bier beartstrings. Yet this woman was so gre:it ini soul and so heroic in spirit1 that, she rnaintained throug'n it ail an even balance of maternai affection for hier boys, while extending full allegiance to ber adopted country. The wvorld and America were, 4 4 tentious homes. Prepare now, while there is plenty of time, to put these usable articles into circulation. OfficiaIs of various village, church and other charitable agencies. will be glad to cali for whatever you have to give, and see that it gets inti needy and appreciative hands. By cooperatin-, yoii will do much to make this a real Christmas, not only in your own home, but ini homes that seldom experience one. will flot again use are urgent needs i iess pi - me. I'm not in busïiness.» Let's see about tna'In the flrst place, 40,000,000 insurance policies are now in e-ffect. The people who hold those policies pay premiums on theru. The insurance companies invest the premium money so they can pay the interest tbey promise. Governiment competition with private business narrows and eventually eliniinates the field in which insurance comparues may invest. S$econd, there are 9,000,000 security bolders- in which should bc engrossed and, hung in the quar- ters of every American Legion Post in the land. "Mý,other of tbe American Legion," we salute you l Every time Mussolinii barks "Wuoof! Woof !" the British lion emits yowls of fear, according to a rews commentator. .Maybe. But wait until the. lion gets ready and seeclîow hie yowls then. [n resigning from the official New Deal family, IT MUST STOP. What appears to be an ahnost wholesaleË offieOP=rco4d l cialt jail deI very, haýs been rev. Gôvernment competition does affect each and every ome of us, whether we be' taxpayers, in-. vestors, instirancç holders or business ownérs. So Buddy Rogers bas stolen 'America's sweetheart 1" Mary may have to defend a lot of suits for breach of promise. u THËEIPuANToM 0RIR