gave at the tbeater on November 8. be. on sale at ail North Shore Line The concert is on-tbeseries of week-. stations until January I1. The tickets lY ,"twiligbt concerts" wbich are a can be ,used returning, any time withpatof tbe cultùral pùogram of St., in 30 days, of 'the date of sale.î Ignatius parish. Conductor .Jlames A. Mundy bas deVISIITS DAUGHTER veloped an' extensive repertofire of Mrs.' William Henry Pier, tbe negro spirituals, worký songs and traditional songs of the -South wbich mother -of Mrs. Burt; Allan Crowei were sung at ýA Century o f Progress 234 Raleigb road, Kenilworth, arbefore thousands of listeniers duringý rived Tbursday of last weekto spend botb, years ,of tbe fair. FProm tbese the week-end vrisiting ber daughter. numbers, Mundy bas chosen sème of Mrs. Pier had just closed her borne the. most popular for Sunday's'pro)- in- Flint -Mich., and..was on ber way to. Portland, 'Ore..:wbere: -sbe .wilI regrain. David Van Vactor of Evanstonl will main. for- the winter. be represented by a Passacaglia and Fugue. on the program which, be, federal1 music project's Illinois Sympbotny orchestra will play under tbe Coldberg, at the Cdvk >rbeatre 'on Sunday afternoon, November ý29. at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. Van. Vactor received his degree i music from Northwestern university following which he spent a year in Vienna studying flute and composition and returned to join the Civic orcbestra of Chicago andIlater in 1931, the Chicago Sympho.ny where he now plays the flute. AuTb#ORIZEDP SALES à SERVICE T. »aOa. *EATING SERVICE CO.i 819 Oak Sfretf Il. Ni direction of guest conductor, Albert thie "Stars ot the Milky Way" broadcast over WGN and the Mutual Broadcasting System, will' reach a climax when she returns home to sing a concert for the patrons of tbe Loyola Community theatre on Monday, November 30. It was but a few short years ago when the long black curis of littie jolianna Siragusa, now known to ber concert audiences as Gina Vanna, Howard Fuchs, a sophomore at thé University of Michigan, is spending Thanksgiving week-end' with his parents, Mr.- and- Mrs. 0. E. Fuchs, 206 Woodstéck avenue, Kenilworthi w01 2A YEARS.FROM TODAY THIS WILL STILL BE A MODEL HOME - I I -