i o ciety of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church,. a Most- suc céssful venture. 'Because the winning of ribbons alwaYs* appeals ýto fam lie s and friends of- thé recipients, we list * tho!se whose exhibitsfon far with the judges. STo the children showing therhb bie, lue rdand white ribbons were given for first- and second prizes, and honorable mention. To the aduits, ~pale Yellow decriptive, ribbons were given for outstaîidi,îg exhibits. Blue ribbons were awarded as follows: Wn ns To Louise Niehols, for botties; Crystal Jackson, an eighth grader, for her sketches, two of pain-ted clay, nade when ln sev'enth grade ; to Jimmy Myers, a third grader, for his penny collection, and sketch ; to Herbert Herrick, also a third grader, for his pencil sketches; to the beaderaIft. of. Dixie Lee Fanckboner, and different fields,' was revealed at the Hobby show which engaged the interest of count-, less of prosand. aroused much favorable cummenit,.as. well.,,it mi'ght, Thursday tn Friday -of.last week,'an Itwas staged during -the two-ýday Fal festival 'of the Ytç~oder, gr ade three; Wesley- Hickmnan. made ln 'grade six; Mary Anti Strauch, grade six; Dick Fuessie, sgixth grader-, Bill Maeser, grade four.; Carl Gepp)ert, grade eight, two ribbonà .- Kenneth Kinnear, grade seven; Bob Maeser, grade ,eight;»-Dick, Cochran,' eighth grade; Bob Matson, also eigiii grader, and Dick Hickmarl, when In ninth grade. 111 the aduit class, Bob Dundas won a ribbon for, best Workmaànship for hie mnodel of the IL S&S. Preston. completed when he was 13 years of age'; Emil flutz received a ribbon for his Egyptian night lamp, eonsidered the most unusual exhibit; Billy Dundas won a ribbon for his:model of the U. S. S. Texas. He and is brother, .with their father, are now, Jak a -. t 4fl.a ... fl.,oAs5..L the ribbon-"most comic.t' Don Chhlcote of Glen Ellyn, for'his chessmen, Wood carved with. pen-knIte and'.exhibited at the Century of Progress, as, welI as for his wooden fligure cartoons, won the ribbon, "inost original." .Another exhibit of, special i ntereet, was the wood cùtting of J. W. Sabin who le ig ihty-one years o! age.-J.T.B. na,At wen .fer Est. *894 M.kers of FOR MIRRORS AND PAMNTNG Framed Pictrnem - Photo Fruit. Paintinga Restored - Framee R.Iisd Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Webster of 1601 Tenth street are spending Thanksgiving with Mrs. Webster's father and mnother, Mr. and Mir$. Charles Hastinigs, in South Benid, Ind. Chri as Gr..fl.g Caris IV. Cali for aW4Deliver. 1729 Shohman Ave.. Evensfon, IJniL 0770 -- MISS REYNOLOS INICI Serve Large Clientele Do, you* have a Christmnas gift to select, a bridge prize to buy, or some problern in interior decorating to solve ? A northi shore shop lection 'of stamps; to Eliew-Beebe,71n One of the first business women to .chose this are a second grade,. for her sand pietures; to Bruce YChapman, grade two, tran- because of its accessibility to several communities, its portation exhibit;- to "Bugs" Baer, age .12 and seventh grader, for his evolution modern, up-to-date surroundings, and its spaciousne ss .of boats; to Nancy Ann Rose, seventh. was Miss Felicite Reynolds, a member of the Institute grader, for her cactus garden. of Decorators. She also serves on the board of govemuThe judges gave red ribbons to: ors of that organizatioti. Assisting her are four young C Jack Scarff of seventh grade for his women, ail trained in this specific lune of work. Indian relics; to Barbara Greigg, grade Their advice and assistance has proved invaluable 61 for her foreign dolle;. to Dick Saunders, fifth grader, for hie postcard ; f to home owners, niany of thern front Lake Forest and Tenneth Rinnear, gra.de seven.for an - the new Inclian Hill section where so much building has been going on in the last twô years. Draperies. i iSHORE LINE TOURS Wnnetka '3030 748 Etn'St. moderate. shop makes everyare effort to save The money as well as tulle for its customers. Indthese