for New Year's, Eve The North Shore Fortnightly club held its first dance of the season at the Shawnee Country club in Wilmnette Saturday night.. to. be held atý Shawnee Country club..J oe Rudolph's eleven ýpiece band will -play for the dancing from 10 at night to, 4 in. the morning. Dazzling* en-, tertainmn.ent, is -promised by Johnny -Thornbur1g, .enteTain-ý mnent chairmnan, and-- the m'emof bis committee, : and' b)ers To Marry in January. 14r. and. Mrs. Henry R. Levy of breakfast* will be served f rom. 1961 Sheridan road, Glencoe, and the mnidnight çon. 400, so that 1aill those who wish. to join the merrim ent are urged' to act quickly and send in their names. at the 1A' formi ~he1d prty 'will be club Saturday evening of this week. Inciuded among those who made early reservations for private parties are: Mr; and Mrs. E. C., Howard of ,Wilmette, Mr. and 7Mrs. J. C. Seyl of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs., Carroll Shaffer for many years of Highland Park, Dr. M. A. Munson of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Walker of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Allen of Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Reservations are to be limited to The club: is composed of young north shore couples who have beeni holding dlances of their own for several years. The dances this year were sc heduled for the -evenings of Saturday, November 21, December 19, J*anuary 16 and February, 13. Prior to the first dance, Fred Hack cnterttained some of the. niembers of, the club .at a' cocktail party at his home, 1203 Forest avenue,- Evanston. The -membership of the ýclub. for this year was annout'ced Friday. It is for Chicago and the north shore; Evanston-JOhn.,Acheson, J. Rex Allen, Jr., L Thorne Arthur, Henry )j. acon, Mr. anid Mrs. Johnt T. Beils, Mr'. and, Mrs. Harris B. Burrows, A. R. Carman, Jr., Mark Carnail, Arthur T. Cox, Jr., Harry. R. Curran, Jr., Mr. and Mrs Harold J. Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Denmani, Robert L. Elliot, Jr., Frederick C. Hack, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Hll, Walter Glass, Mr. and Mrs. William P~. jenks, Mr and Mrs. F. P. TSernan. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Mac- versity at a formaI musicale, a Founder's day observance, on Wednesday, December 2, at 8. o'clock in' the evening, at the home of Mrs., Lévering -Cartwright, 534 Sheridan square, Evanstôn. The guest of -honor will be Myrie.-Boyle of' Oak Park,province president. 'The activéeeni-bers and alumfnae aàre 'giving the progratnijointly. Even at this early date, reser-. vations have commenced to Pour. in. for the big New Yea r's Eveý pairty, Lake Shore Drive hotel in Chicago, announce the- approacbing' marriage of their daughter, Jeanne, which will take place january 9, at the Standard club. Miss Levy will becomne the Carlos Photo bride of Alfred' E. 1DAiïcÔna, Jr., the Miss Barbara Austin, daughter son of Mrs. Alfred E. D'Ancona of the Windermere hôtel, Rabbi Louis of Mi'., ami Mrs. Rdîtin C. At&stin Mann officiating. at the ceremony. uwasmde Glencoe, latte, Briar 3 of Following the wedding Mr. D'Anpresident of thse freshman class et cona and his bride are gaing to Vessar college et an election held Honolulu, and Palm .Springs on their mont/s. the early part of titis wedding trip. of Wilmette. Monday, November 30, will hostesses will bi Mrs., Robert Gor- andi Mrs. -V. .. Wveber wîll be put on A bowling exhibition W.* C. Mrs. and Mrs. Goode, and day Mr. E.< meeting Mrs. Reeves, don, George be the next regular Deevening, Wednesday club the at H. Schafer, Mr'. and Mrs. Victor -for the guilcis of the Church of J. C. Anderson. A bowlers. women the by 4, cember ShelIC. N Schulze, Mn. and Mrs. McThe Consforter. perHoly to chosen being the is teani picked man, Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Stockton,1 forni. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Siegmund, Rad- Laren guild will have an ail-day W.. Mrs. of home the at John meeting Other activities at Shawnee during Souls Cigorets ford Steartis, Enloe Wilkinson, the coming weeks include a military Thortiburti, A. Monroe Turner, Mr. R. Wilson, 315 Essex road, Ken-, dance to be held by Setin High .school anid Mrs. Howard J. Ure. Mr. and ilworth. on Saturday evening, December 5,. Mrs. Walter H. Velde, Mr and Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Ratcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George E. Shipman will en- anlda nlav. "Breakfast t EiLPrht" tn Matthias,. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Starrett. Kenilworth-Bert Moritz, Edmund Winnetka-Mr. and. Mrs. Charles L.McGibbon.. H.Gibsôn, Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. 'eqfare soct at ter Bail te or Stimson, and and. iast gave a dinner c. for ber guest, at uer home