Betty Munroe. Schrieber, Mary C. Smnaii, Joan Small, .Freddy Treich,, Marian, Wrght., George Vaught.Fourtb Grade* An» Blunt, Harriet, Dariey, Jean -Egeweil, Knight, MlIS, gert, Bobby Dorotby Lidecker. Walter Marsb, Buster, Martin,_Arlene Wieland, Billy Wittbold. WaJm Capture HiIgh Came Series eigbth grades wbose scbolastic standFrankWaber holds higb score for in a three-way tic for nrst, hKiUrU the of members. are ings were bigb three tgaîme seies with 586. closely Continue WMnmgStvenk "bonor society." Bowlfollowed -- by- Clarence Harlof. of, No, longer will the Centrella The names follow: ManorHouse Coffee ,with 581. Scot the Of. members the Jeer ing'fans .Adolph Peterson, captain' of the Towels team. as sole - owners Of the TiImfllGaes Crier Flour :teamn maintains Town, as Lilyan, Campbell, Gwendolen Fucha, cella r position in the .league, for high sieile'game with. Lawson, honor Dic)îk the 'Towels Law, tbe Mary Hale, witfessed Donald Tbursday nIigbt Pattersoh. Patricia1 Pâidar, b[arillyn tbe Wilson. Ideal ]Dog a score of,274. ».y Pavlik, FDawn Reynolds., Betty Ann, mopping Up PaIingi. for December 3 Food team for tbe full count of tbree Wlllams, Gwain .winning.their Vernon, inuingý. gae,con Virginta. -With Thanksgiving falling on next Mrori. Batter, Nancy Chase, Mark eigbth, claimhinz games, the iýent 're1la League bas six stekto Tbursday Davids,' Ruth Piecher, Joe Jannotta, position in the league, holiday and the next a declared Cynthis Amne Jefries, Ri1chard Kilner, Cof-ý Stewarts Town Crier defeated gaines wil be rolled Thursday DeLrtaMontonaro., Toni Morison, tbree of out two of scorea cember 3rd. by Marie ,Powers, Cather'ine fee *Opening with the familiar "New World" sympbony by Dvorak,. follow-~ ed by two arias for soprano, from aâs. Mozart operas, tbe program brought -to the, intermission. Ravel's delightful "Mother Goose" suite, ýwith its five taies or episodes,. was a fresh and vivid group for openinig the second baîf. Miss Lewis Was beard again this time in that perennial favorite, tbe "Jewel. Song" from Faust., The programù closed witb Leo Sowerby's colorftal, stimnulatingand appropriait George Bell, Arthur Bergmian, Blir ClaffeY, Courtenay Davis,] No>rie Butler, Mitoinette Gage, Robert Lidecker, Gloria £iove. Suzannie Peck, Bllly Roddlck, Lois Rosenblatt Jack Taft, Myron Watkins, Karen Williams, Robert Wittbold, Nancy WuegiIOr. Willoughby Goodamlth, Lois Hawley, Nancy Hoetger, John 1Hlmes, Barbara Charles, T- nICoýrà.r SenerRamond, "«Cornes Autumn Timne." Those wbose standard of orchestral, vs. Manor House Coffee performance is fixed at the virtuoso games, wbile Chef Milani'took tbe Ideal Dog Food Chili vs. Chef, Mlani'a Manor House Coffee teami into campI Gebhardt's level, and wbo, bérnte, do liot permrit va. Peacock 400 Club, Towela Scot by 'the, sanie, count two out of :tbree Town Crier va. Linco Productà theinselves tbe opportunity of 'hearStewarts Coffee va. 014 Monk games. ing bands of- lesser frame, and also . Handlicap Conuitte. Busy Tean Standing tbose who àre content to' he ar orWon Lost Pct. Teamr the of chairman Bach, Clarence cbestral works via radio' only, -are .647 Linco Produets..... ... 14 7 rnember a and committee Or frequently the .667 hand icap 7 14 often losers. Old Monk .......... 14 7 .667 0~ Town 'Crier 1ÔFlourteain re- famous orcbestra sags emotionaily, déelirt'<s Chili ........ fthe 8 .667 1 Manor House Coffee... compliments for the trusting its routined habits to carry, 12 9 .671 ceived nuinerous Town Crier Flour ....... under bis it through. The radio listener misses accomplished work .524 efficient Chef Mlani's......... ... il 10 .476 personal direction. Individual as well Stewarts Coffea........ -. 10 il list that cornes to the visual .333 7 14 handi- the and Scot Towels . . ............ averages scores, team as fine coPeacock 40-Q Club .... ... 6- 15 .28Ç caps are posted eacb week on the auditor when he sees the .190 17 'enthusistic 4 eager, .......... tbe Food Dog ordination, Ideal bulletin board at Bleser's Bowlig flexible "give" of an orchestra on its Five Roi Games Over 200 Academy. The splendid work per- tocs, 50 to speak, in response to the Linco the Led by Ricb Rugen of Committee and of their team the 200 club accepted three new formed by. tbe Handicap in the .demands of the music interest keep to helped bas members and wélcomed the return of conductor. Ruoeen rolled, leaoeue at high pitch. Metnbers are tuu Ç,wmpr inembers. .that ýr these , WranIIvu to Attend w ect0lfg beekiflg Recrues ien. Marine Corps is now acS. U. The [Royce, Joanne, 1311 Huffman, FrankMrs. Mr. and cm, Ray Wlese, men between the ages of young Maple avenue, and their son, Frank, ceptillg ?ander. for enlistment. Men years 25 to 18 weekJr., went te Milwaukee last ites uby, Patsy Law, end te attend the wedding of Miss being enlisted now will be sent te ParSchempp. McIn- ris Island, S. C., or San Diego, Calif., Small, Nancy Maxine French to Stanley in à,Walter Boyle. tosh of Evanston. Miss French is a for training. Mdarines are stationed FInnigan, Ailau sister-in-law of W. Henry Huffman, Cuba, Hawaii, the Philippines, China, Tom Ketcham, wbo . with bis wife and baby, Judy Ouarn,the Virgin Islands, and the Pana- lîson, aduits of our community have the op. portunity which. this Feder al Misic M1oreover Project niakes possible. our. appreciation should be attested by an entbusiastic spreading of the niews throughout our community that. here, within easy access, is to he had, first class mnusic perforrned %wýith mrusicianiy enthusiasm, and at an instaalso are Marines Zone. Canal Ann, make their bomne in Madison, mnia tioned on ail the larger ships of the credibly small expense. The audience Wis. of the sbould bé doubled for the next conail parts and travel to LMarine. Navy 1 family his and Henry In-Tt,.. ( rs rl.Tlivj-us4,*the h...... -- Huffman . 18 high-scbool young people and the Mrs .ffl War.,ick 1her , son, lati epending ~with Mrs- est avenue, for the Thanksg holiday. Miss. Helen brougbt af flrom ,college to be their guest. na jwr . outh re in cago. the Tbankgiving boli Durr's fatber, Henry uhlhauser.