That increased opportunity will b. .John Bailman. chairman of -the gvn to young men of the north board of trustees announiced that he shore to study flying in ail its iounfiati n nduistinguisneci coucator, when lie ap- eacn voting.precinct, and approxi- confideritly expected other generous branches when the naval reserve pears before, the mately one-half are to be appoint- gifts to cover the entire. indebtedness aviation unit is 'transferred from .New Trier Sun-, ed this year. Cooperation in se- of the clitrcli and send it. into the, Great Lakes Naval station to, the. Curtiss-Reynolds airport, Lake and day Evening. club lecting convention ýmembers, Mr. clear for the 'coming year. Sherner avenues, west, of Glenview, at 7 :4 5 oclock Worthen stated, is direct cooperaCiifton L. Darling, chairman of tlie next, spring, was. revealed last SatSunday, Novem- tion ini the work opf. the conventionà finanice committce, itself, whicli nominates: candidates the church. would -announced that urday by naval reserve aviationofber, 29,, in Ncew operate on ýa bal- ficers., Trier Hfigh school for Village offices to, be -voteéd on: anced' budget from 1937 -on the Not only doea the present auditorium. D r. at the Village election n.ext- April. church adopted a- forward looking unitý at Great' Lakes, which aviation Vincent is a brilla the piogram whicli wil add ýyearly to thé, liant, rapid *- fire onl naal lyig group near Chicago, new: buildini fond. include commissioned officers, hiost speaker. He lias been president' of These -gratifyingr messages were of- whom have had at least four' years, the University,,of received with enthusiasmn by the at the navy air school at Pensacola, Undernod innesota,. direcFia., and ýsubsequent training with meeting. Miss Marie B3riel,,organist at'the 1U.dernodPhoto tor, of the Mobili-. the United States fleet, but. It uiMinmette ,Parisli Metliodist churcli Dr- G. JE. Vincent zation for Humain cludes a large number of enlisted men Needs, and vice presidenit of the Na- will, pres ent an organ recital .Sundayl as well. tional Community Chests association., afternoon, Novemiber 2e. at- 4:30 These men, it was expiained, likeý Rev. James T. Venekasen, pastor o'clock at the churchi.'Many of the the officers, corne from ail sorts of numbers on the programn will 'be in Following tie National Preaching civilian of the First Presbytcrian churcli in occupations, and spend a Wilmette. will give the invocation. kecping with the Advent season, it is Mission of last week, the Wilmette period each Saturday afternoon anonce. . All W. Friank McClure ofWilmette, llagers ae invited~ B'ptist t!hur will 'hôld a Local the 'iéid in the various drills. ,T1rh at to attend president and founder of the Sundav this recitai. Tlie programi Preaching Mission during the coming federal governinent, it was added, Evening club 22 years ago, will pre-. follows: eight days. On Sunday inornings, grants each man a day's pay of bis side. Orval Simpson of Winnetka is Allegro vivace ................ Widor and week-nights, excepting Saturday, rating A theme for ecd and set drillilhe attends. of variations fo)rinrg liead of the ushers' committee, asthe first movement of the fi!th Sym- a group of leaders from varying M~Iuet 19617 sisted by W. S. Nordburg of Winphonie. backgrounds of experience, will Pastorale ..................... netka. Corelli preacli at tic various services. The~ To enlist in the aviation unit, it Arranged by Gerinani from a 17th was explained by Lieut. josephi E. Subscriptions for tlie 1936-'37 seaCentury Concerto Grosso for -Violin. public, including niembers of ail other Meager, commander of Squadron son may be handed in at the door Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring ... Bachl churches or of none, is invited to or sent by mail to the village chair- A Rose is Bioomlng......... Brahms take advantage of this interesting VR-10, which will move into CurtissReynolds, men: Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hughes, Clair de Lune .............. arg-Eiert series. young man miust be The preachers are as fol- 17 vears of the aze or over. nda must hb' Glencoe; Mrs. Conger Reynolds, Romance. . . .ý................. Bonnet hé'* ?ainle Invite. 'Vi iagers to Hear Organ,Recital Baptiste Announce -PireadhiniMission Dance of the Reed Pipes (Nutcracker sunis. above 1$ are entitied to seats in the reserved seat section., The speaker for December 6. will be Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Arctic explorer, on "The Northward Course of Empire." He will show pictures. ChitmsinScly.. ............ Y Pietro*Yoli, an Italian by birth, ai at present an organist in New Yo City, gives a gay bag-plpe effect tis acomposition. Carillon-Sortie ........... Mul Wednesday, December 2-Ediward CÈtt-ý >s, I3ohemian leader. lar Lrgest parish. ]Rev. Amos Thursday, boriiburg,, December pastor, 3-The Wilmette Parisil lethodist church. Leading Wilmette's Arrange Novena at Guest Preachers Coming St. Francis Xavie Several well known preachers will Xavier is -being held at -St. Franc to Presbyterian Church A novena in honor of St. Franc Friday, December 4--Charles Heim-1 vanston. Evc Sunda.y, Deceniber El-The IRev. Fran.0C. Stifler, former pastor of Wiimette aptist church. Bai ,th, pastor, Pirst Baptist church, of ce upon to pertorui wo weeics' van-. ing. duty, usually in connection with the annual tactical and battie problem which, engages not only the naval reserve air force but also tie several slips of thc Great Lake training squaclron. Work in Profr.Ss At present, work lu alrcady in progress. on the hangar at Curtiss- ital. Anotheri conie homne is Norfolk, Va., Branscomne. the automobile of Raymnio he Brans- 1305 Sheridan road, whict rs., iiess >hillips, of ported stolen from lis g; a sister of Ms week, was found later in Land. II4ULD cap- lieve the strain of preparing -Holiday dinners and entertaiiment for Holiday guests. Mrs. Wallace Mitchell of 1707 Lake avenue, is home from DePauw uniljverity for the Thanksgiving Woiday. David Mitchell, son of Mr. and HOME PROM SCHOOL