:Mrs. Hiarris' nusbanci is the pastor of qaý Methodist church in Washington.' Mr. and. Mrs. J. R.,Braue of 14W0 Isabella street are mew -residents. in Wilmette,' having moved here 'recently from' Long Island. Their twol eidren,, John, Jr., ýa d Katharýine, attend -tWeý HôWard- school. CO o Uueft. 636 Mhange to Winter Oil Now! .Exide Battery Service- LET Us TUNU-UP, YOUR. CAR FOR WINTER DRI VINS Fluesi DOlry Pr@ducts TERMINAL DAURY ~nggae~- 1 Saud*lëhes sud ]Luneheoàs Land 01 Laskes Butter ý QualtY "Grade A" MIIk and Creaut Leitf to right:*Blanche E. Schoonover, Mrs. John McLean, Lillian Denzin, Evelym Borre,. Genevieve Witt, Margaret Gockel, Arthur Green. This scene j: front the play that is: to -be Èiven by St. John's players in, St. John's Luitheran church tonight and tomorrou' night at 8:15. o'clock. The play is "It Happened in J-ollywtood," by Katherine Kavanagh, and the scelle i; frQn 1h, k:st Mt. _________________ Fr hfal Gift 1C ý ýi - - - , ý .. i ý1 7, - 1 . - , 1- Overnight and Wrdrobe Cases for ladies and z aat stiped canvas- Rawmien - coveringe in bide or fine lea»e. Beautiful new Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks. Just arrived - lW.s type toilet cases, manicure sets, jewel boxes, tie holders, bull folds, etc. KAEHLER'S The picture shows Miss 'Borre, as the daughter of the Pembroke house, and Princess Dolores, Miss Lillian Denzin, masquerading as maids, just for a lark. The rest of the picture portrays Mr. Green, the Pembroke butter, expressing his surprise, the daughter's mother, Dr. Thorndyke Parkes, world travMargaret Gockel, showing disgust, Miss eler and African big garne hufiter, Witt Miss, contempt, her Schoonover, lias been secured as speakerat the Noted Big Game Hunter Will Be Legion Speaker- :colote Chip, Lemon Ice and VoniIIo A R.gular 60e value (9t. PýEACOCKi*S ICEI CREAM, Tickets can be had at the door either speaker, Dr. Parkes has consented ig-ht of the play. to "fi11 in"' the eveninig in Wilmette Cast of Characters before appearing for his regtularlv 1parthur reencheduled engagement in Chicago the . e............ Jarvis1..I Messenger ........ >.... Herman Meyer Tom- Garrity... . Robert Carlen George E. Cramer Alan Treinayne .fosie Pemibroke.....Evelyn Borre Prtncess Dolores........Lillian Denzin M.%rs.John MeLean Phyllis Duganne. Robert Gockel Bert..... ............. Doreen Downing. .Blançche E. Schooraçver Pally OConnor ,..... Genevieve Witt Mrs. Pembroke......... Mararet Gocekel following night. Entertainiment chairman F. H. Myrland stateri that, "It is a fortuinate achievement for Wi!hswrd eue tiqwold m tte Pott e owned sp renowedspaker anid 1 predict an uritlisually large attendance." As assistant cturator for the Loti-. --- her cousin, S, motner,, Mrs. rer of 1901 Cenher bouse guest vi Grable of Lucerne, Sunday, r ' :d lý 4-.-* tStO**b l*= anu j l s w e anksgiving until A Werdinger o'f I