0F OUR BEAUTIFUL at 909LUnd.. Avenuie> Hubburd Woods NW..S TO0RE IT SERVING YOU niI E.L. Rayr Photo Gndoning o te johllse; S'afood shoP, at 909 Li'nden aven uc, was Hubbard Woods, wiII bec.held tIis Thursday,, Friday, and Saturday, it yesterdy. amitmneed . Oysteîs, Lobster and a comploe.variety of the finestIlmported 'and Alfred johnsen, manager of the HiibHEALTH CENTER bard Woods store, anld Axel Madsen,. NEWS who is the manager of the Johnsen store ini Evanston, which has served the The next Infant Welfare clinic will north shore for many years, stated that take place Wednesday, Decemnber 9, at a complete line of fish fromn river, lake, the Wilniette Health center, 905 Ridge road. frQm 2 to 4 o'clock, Dr. Noel sea, would be kept in stock, and would be, stored ini the most modern of Shaw ini charge. Ie observed : Pacific coast states-Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, December 15 to - 17. WYWestern, states -Montana, 19. t'O 16 December oming,cUtah,' Arizonàa, South Western. states.,DeMexico,,,Oklahomna,,,Te.xas, New cember, 16 to 19.Near ýWestern states-North Dtkota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kal':Sas, Colorado,.December.17 to 20. Sôuthern 'states-Arkansas, Louisiana, Tenness 1ee, West Virginiia,.Northi South Carolina,' December Carolina, 17 to 20. Eastern states - New York, Pennsylvania, \Iaryla.id, New jers.e',. Delaware, Ne w England states, December 17 -to 20. M innesota, Neighboring state s Iowva, M issouri, XVsconsin;ýillinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, tiecember 18 to 20. Approximate closing dates for first class mail to foreign countries are as folloNvs: Austria, Dec. 14; Belgium, Dec.14; Bermuda, Dec. 20; Canal Zone, Dec. 16; Cuba, Dec. 19; Denimark, Dec. 14; England, Dèc. 14; Finland, Dec. 7; France, Dec. 14; Germany, Dec. 14; Greece, Dec.. 10; Ireland, Dec. 14; Italy, Dec. 14; Lithuana, Dec. 14; Netherlands, Dec. 14; Norway, Dec. Extra ,-ency. Cooked to order no exti a charge..Ib. TAILSI 49C PERCH CIeaned or xtra chargie. .Ib.32&c boned. no' Ci Frosh Lae. PPER tain a prompt delivery ser vic. Both stores are serviced by the Booth Fisheries, which established the shop in Evanston of which Mr. Johnsen was manager for 20 years before he took over the store for himself in 1931. Opening of the new unit, he declared, will extend the service of the store to many other north shore homemakers. Trarns-Pacinc. mails are scneduuîeu approximate Tulius mecuca i urector e to close on the following ChiicagoJNovak; tuberculosis institute, in charge dates : Buy Christunas Seals For Ontario,- Canada, the closing The New Trier Dental clinic is held *date is Dec. 21. every Wednesday morning f romn 9 to 12, and the Howard School Dental cilinic on Friday morning fromn 9 to 12. Buy Christmas Seals. 5. Hawvaii, Dec. 12; New Zcaland, Dec-. Glrandsoinof Pioneer W. F. Whitman Dies at Home in South Funeral services were held on urgea in-. is to be to present. iThe this as to vited al tormation and nsend plan may. 9" Unden Avenue $30 Devi wil~0~, ub&d od bam We@ds 4ubt ~Clirence tWvo Rogers Park and Mrs. Marie Buckliià oi Glenview; and by thre brothers, Harold Woods, Hubbard of and. of Evanston., Arthur of Detroit, iter, r~ .Ls. r iurenc iissom o111i A1 is aUtie UVMU a UI e511 scuts lWilmette parish. The Joseph's Center is indeeci indebted tô the& efficient for.the scouts uas. manner in assisted have they club meetings. literature on the Te be had at 1125 Cer 440> Prairie avenue. I and, ra1 avenue, -. I