Your 'oet.. 1U w uiv a -o 0 Clom.d e.dPressed wItk Expertss lon-aw this week by school oorncials. it was exens Institute ofT *eciinoiogy at Ho- rThose whoare eligible; boken, N. J. Arrangements for the1 plained, are students who have scbolbers and the public shortly after the tests sbould be made at once, it was2 astic averages of 2.5 (between "B" first of the year. added« by, A. L. Grinneil, membher of.e and "C") or better, who have not In addition there wiil be other in-ý the commerce department faculty,1 been tardy, and wbo. have had no discipline notes. teresting funictions, which will be an- who will be ini charge. "There are many.more boys in the stated. was nounced later, it school who.should be included" was comment of one teacher, , 'atid the Jini and BillBurrill, students at t ýto Organized Is is not. ail-iniclus.ive,. but our list the. Denison unîversity, spent ,Tbanks,iitd. are very t accommodations School Instruct-High giving' and the Week-end. with their the, ose who'were Th parents, Mr. and: Mrs. Jamies A.. BurStudents i1» Drovingj honor study hall included: ril,ý 812 GreenWood avenue. Willam Andrews, Frank Badger, Rich- Club 1152 Cewfd A.Wi. 320I * BANK STOCKS MAL ESTATE DONOS SPCiAL AsW'm"rBONDS, Execafed l: Patronize Our,Adtiertisersj *39 So..te Sali. S.t., Andover 2424* ayCIrnt, Von Camp &Foli, lac,. AU. GOOSE DOWN PULLOWS Attractive Linon Coverings 1/2 Roguler Prie. Publicity and,,program commîmtes Maynard. Cook, Richard -CoWan, John Richard Frazer, were organized at the .meeting on Cox. Lawrèýnce Fischer, HIIi, Carl Hotze,, Hildebrand,-Lon Monày of last week of the Dies Walter Robert Landon., Ben Maceinnon, Robert club, of New Trier, High scbool* Matthews. Sharon Risk, Philip Rogers, formed to promote safer driving byl Donald .Scarif. Charles Ballenger, Arthur Barrett, students. John Dunhili, AI Eckhart, Bernard Present members of the publicity Flood. Robert Goodwin, Robert Greenberg, Marvin Harms, Ed Ives, Fred Maccomnittee are: Bill McLaren, chair- 'Kenzie, Nornuan Marshall, Thoma~s man; A~igrase Jorjorian and Lois Whithead. William Cooter heads the Joseph Whitwell. Bredin Burns, Clinton Carpenter, High programn committee and assistirg Kenneth Cushmnan, Roger CushClayton, hirn are Doris Wiese and Dlon Cook. man, Robert Frel,,Don Garretson, Keehn Jarvi-.ýý Lingle, Dexter Sharp, Pamphlets concerning Illinois mo- Landis, Perry Snilthers, Rtoy Terry, Jack Walker, tor vehicle laws Wvere distributed Robert Baptista, amnone- the mexnbers at the meeting, Wend [Il Clark, and during the vvinter they are t0 )rd Good nan. WVilhighi the of. pupils be studied h)v the tJames school. Kiddoo, Nelson. S. Lehmn. the club spon- ard Buenger., Ted Bueniger, Buid:Carey, ý-- '. 1ý ý ,Ur,14 = e.S Shezmmma Avenue at Gr<v, Evanston The Mattress Store UNlveraity 2M2 Ini the spring. driving instruction %vill1.. wvill be given to three groups. depending tipon experience, it was ai.notunced. Not onnv -will lVpco-flmii teachi Iheznners, but it wiîî correct, Nem, Trier's Varsitv and freshmanthe bad habits of those alreadv driv- Swimmn Teams to Meet State Champs Saturday swiimiing teamns will open in.sophomore .r Girs' lubBazar iIl cvciiing. when thev travel .Girls ClubBazaa WTownship High. scliool Be Held This Saturday'Plaines to meet the state rý111éni té, -4-Q r.... ér .nl nt the 1936-19"37 schedule, this Saturday, at D)es swinmmiî2g rnost of to -Maine' lcýampions of last -year, Irk Street, Chicogo 157 North la - Telephoni. Deerborn 0209 Câujog Sub-Gam. Shear&-Pockeit Knlves Manicur.Sofs-S.ovlng Sets-Scsor Sots. tI11 in the suUject ot a public address like this: "The lovely w o ld w e of-ten m iss." Such a talk will be delivered next '*Sunda tte'ewr Chicago Sunday Evening club by Dr. Alexander Mac h, who preaches to great audiences in the Second Presbyterian churgh, Philadeiphia. I Virenn C <dan road, <GIencoe, passed away on luesday of Iast week. Fufteral servic s w r ed o F i ay t th S ot at hl theSct chapel, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. He was a brother of Otto Pomper, with whom'he had made bis home. -