Ï:teafrfie co 'hen tire lworld ta ouot y - A-l10il. Stalil, ý.,o4th fui pianist, 'who lives at 1430 Isabella street, Wilmtte, zwill bec/n-esented -bx' is iiistructor, Arthur Gradqus,14 clzcst,,uit avenue, ffliiinctte;, at the Womn'sclub, Tendh street aud Greenteaf avenu"e, oit Friday-evenIiing of ;i,ext ïciek at 8 b'clock,. "l'le prograin i l'l be asifollo\ývs: JC,JoY cof Mais Desirinig sonata in C MaLjor-, O1). 53 .Beh~e Allegri) (on lbrio Initrodîîxionuc:-Adagio 'Molto, lBeh Miatbew Francis Photo 4L --------- R<JLE- At thiitime we ore-entering Upon our nyear oF afliation widtk the Order ol the Menu Rule, whicI, ,eans tkat for the PlUh Swe have been accepted oas the local P1 id e, G~ or n o ('hopîn Chopin ('hopil. legroý Non Troppo- A oUr ability fit Christian Science Churches "Ancieîit and(l Modclrii Necroinancy, alias Mesrnrisxn and Hvpniotism iDenIOUncedl" as the subject of the les-] ei nmortuaryý for the Orci tht its w.y *Iaw"the îaw whncn gives sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, voce to the dumb, feet to the lame. If