wtt di' ustinction and goon tse. trictive, modernistic blasck case, $6.50. The SPerhaps no accessoyy is so useful to the ýt man or woman who moves in> a routine of t~smart life as a good binocular. Sbown at top, left to right, are threeexcelient models: e. fitst, Zeiss Binoeular, seven power, 50 mm.- ~AirguicJe Trio, center, $9.75. No gif t can surpass the beauty and permanent value of the Chelsea Ship's. Wheel Twin Clock and Barômeter, $165. Lower Ieft is a Barometer of chrome finish, 89.50, and* tbird row. a'.nter. the Weltur Miniature Camnera, 882.50. Sheaffer fountain pen Desk Set, with perpetual calendar on onyx base, $12. FoIding Lorgnettes make discriminating woman, jeweledhandie, in silver, Folding Zylo Lorgnette, ideal gifts for the lower. left, with $12; in> gold $35. $7.50. Glove size k naIominaion