Mrs. Elizabeth Ayres Kidd and Dr. Edith Williams Ware of the Oriental institute of the University of Chicago Monday, December 14, Fort wilgive a joint. programl for the Dearborn' chaptel', D.A.R., will Woman's club of St., Charles . on have a full day of activities. At Tuesday,, De*emüber 8, at ,&, The* 10:30 Mrs. Charles. P. Reynolds topie wîlI be "Womnen and Cycles 'of will meet ber board in'the pent- Taste 'in the,,Ancient World." The countries represented in this' bouse of the Orrington hotel, illustrated'lecture will be ancient afterý which luncheon will be Egypt'(Old Kingdom, Middle Kingser.ved in the hotel dining room. dom, and Empire ýperiod), MesopoMirs. Vinton ýEarl Sisson of:Win~ tamia (Sumeria, Babylonia, Assyria) netka, Who be; the. speaker and ancient. Greece and Rome. ,Mrs. Ware will illustrater her part of the of the afternoon, Will be a lunch- program with'lantern slidesand MrsI. eon guest of Mrs. Percy H. Kidd will use. some of.ber musical Myers.ý Mrs. Sisson is national instruments to present. the > music chairman of the committee: on culture of these' ancient nations. 0f interest will be a pair of national defense througb patri- particular double'pipes dating f rom the Empire otic education for the. D.A.R.. period of ancient Egypt and loaned, and Mrs. Myers is chairman of by tbe institute for this occasion. Recent programs given by ' Mrs. the local committee. At 2 o'clock the Decemrber mneet- Kidd in November were for the Oxing of the chapter will be held at the ford Piano guild on the subject of Evanston Womnan's club. -Mrs. Rey- the development of barsnony through nolds will conduct a short business the ages and for the Wilmette Methsession and will then, introduce Mrs. odist cburch, on the subject of music Charles W. Moody, first vice-regent integration at the secondary school* and chairnian, who bas ar- level. ranged a most interesting program. In January Mrs. Kidd will play the She will present Miss jeane Price,ý tenor recorder with a group of three contralto. who will sing à group of recorder and lute plavers~ at the Is Speaker for D. A. R. Program .for Delta Gommas Mrs. U. S., Grant of Evanston will be the speaker ai th4f next meeting of the Evatistolâ and North Shore Alumnae chapter of'D.elta:Gamma to,,.be held on Monday, December 7,, at the home of Mrs. 0. H. Breidert, 1817 Chicago avenue, E vanston. Mrs. N. Diehf of Evanston'is, to be co-hostess.-. The following committee will also, assist Mri. Breidertý and Mrs. Diebi: Mr. Franklin Lanium, Mrs. William Alderman, Mrs. Ross Barrett,ý Mrs. George Dyer, Jr., Mrs. Balfour Photo D'. M. Boulton, and, Mrs. H. M.' MoIderwell. Mrs. C'harles H-e ry Gibson of Mrs. Grant will give a. talk,ý Wiplnetko', a former Kenilwortk girl, the World,", illustrated by ",Around is spending a t'ery buisy fai keepslides. She was formerly'head of the i'&g #p wvith iu.rr ,,ny djties as ~Evanston Travel bureaur, has arnmmer of thse board of the Kemilranged worl tours for other people, worth center of the Infant Welf are and bas conducted a number herseif. society. Mrs. Gibson hotds the Just this sunirer she returned from position ôf chairman for tickets for a nine months' trip around the world. t/he Winter Bal which thte Infant She has lectured at the University Welfare j; sponsoring iu t/he Drake circle, the Bryant circle, and the Saturday evening, Decemtber 5. Woman's Union of the First MetbMr. odist Church of Evanston. Grant was formerly béad of tbe geology department of Northwestern iitrii~ut~tv - songs. Miss Price was a recent In March Mrs. Mrs, VViiîs will go on a ten-day tour, 'giving pro- the Chicago 'Colegé'club. Luncheon, fer many years. for is chairman of this comimittee which will precede the meeting, will D. A. R. at Ellis Island. Fort Dearborn chapter and each De- grams in New York, Maryland, and be served at 12:30 o'clock. Mr. Edith cember sends a box of materials and South Carolina. Lewis, director of the Woman's Cola contribution which is used in carrylege information, who bas just reing on the work of the occupational turnedfrom the east, will report upon Kidd, a Winnetkan, civic therapy departnient among the aliens in the detention rooms This bas been an important project of the D. A. R. for many years, and three trained workers are supported by tbem te Mrs. Ezra Taylor fo Address Garden Club. lier visits to fourteen women's colleges. Before the luncheon, there will At an all-day meeting of thé North be a regular meeting of the executive Shore- Woman's club Thursday5r, Decommittee of the Woman's College cember 10, at the Edgewater hrelI N. S. Womean's Club Plans Day's Program hotel, Lorraine L. Blair will ta Mr. and Mrs. Benton Sander s of 1520 Lake avenue have moved to Mrs. Henry Hauseinan entertained book review class for 1t twenty guests for Jluncheon and (Thursday). Mrs. Rocsi ig is review- Wilniette recently froni Providence, bridge on Wednesday in her home at ing "Heads and Tales" by Malvina R. 1. They have a son, Billy, and a daughter, Frances. 716 Ninth street.Hofiman. Luncheon HsBridge Hasthe land avenue, Kenilworth Mvrs. Leon T.* lins of members of Mrs. Hi ,St. Marys college at Notre Damxe, had as her bouse guest, James Brown of *New York, a student at Notre Dame university. Geraldine attends St. Mary's academy, also in Notre Dame, Imd.