othat faith afterPJr at the church. Th.ey iili present sincerely, intelligently, and most in- becom nvres.-cnrn t who began the afternoon's W te"SyWhProgram. Eaéh summrMs a W.Kie, "ay Wat Is This.Our turns.to become ne of thoMs a e e -hles I-eat Cmplin?" NoIof numnbering betwéeen five hunded an the hephrd,"and INoel! ,Slng seven hundred-..who.give their servGoodN " lo TeVr-'ces to work in the hosepitladi geins Slu m-ber %ong." hv, Maxý the baths, amnong the invalid pilgris Her word pictures of 'that Shrine a group of tbree French Christ- terestingly by Mrs. John E. May of32WbahAe mas carols, arran-ged by'Llugh Chicago ]BLWNP Meehn WbhAeu meh60 HCG ----------- , AO Eb OEASL Pinos, eulograph.d and usd by i.L Pns, Tifo U Schipasa Raisi and EihMsndrn h Suao on sa.le Ihii monfh:ai *xc4p. oareutos Reger. Mrs: D. Miley,Phipps Of Ev amemnber of the 'parent. education board of the National College of Education, wMI give a talk, of special significance and value to parents, on "The Place of the Parent in Religious Education Today." Mrs'. Phipps was formerly, director of religious' educati.on in the First Methodist church of Evanston. She has been a delegate in the interest of' religious education at a nurnber of national conventions of Parent-Teacher association-s. TPhe programi is in charge of Mrs. F. A. Cushing Smith, religious education representative on the guild -s board. Mrs. H. S. Davidson is the guild's programn chairnian. The devotionals will be in charge of IMrs. were graphic, descriptive. wa ended. photoraphs. nt tganston., of it were viewed with nerest Questions kept her after her talk The kely riopianit, volinittae celljst, composed of moqther and twoOPr daughter,,residents of Wilmiette, play-' cd three selectÎons,:very wellindeed, showing.,progress, in their-work togte.Frtws h v ai"by Schubert, then the themne' and varia- Her own E.H.Burge.Ii r..,.t The. Frscenri -'l";11 I>ajlq s. -mette A day of recollection wiIl be, at the Cenacle on March 10, it héld was decided at a meeting of the boar,d of the Womnan's Catholic Club o Friday morning of last w and annotdnced at the.afternoonn eek, leet - At Catholic Club III R ED UCED ,or ber utlristrna for the needy. The Prograni itself will be a surprise. Other club announcements' were Miade by Mrs. Henry G. Dalton, civics, by ers, Barker for Mrs. Guy Glad.Ocourtesy chairman; ýMrs. Arthurj I EDGAR A, STJE ENS, Ince Untrimmoci Coats$1 162 OrImg@nEvanes**