Warner Oland stars in 1'CIarlie Chan Given bigh' praise by many critics at the Racetrack,' at the Wilînette for its pastoral charm, "Ramonia," theater this Thursday, Friday,, and the new color film 'starring Loretta Saturdav. placed on one sidj-s tha-t abitî of Young, Don! Ameche, and Kent TayAided by 'a good script, romantic engravinig may add that person iai lor, will be seen. at the, Varsity the- devel.opmcnt, and a hearty. bumor touch. The case holds about a doge ater this Friday and Saturday. against thé.e bakgrouild of racing cigarets- and is. particularly smaixtj w ith dajvtim e clothes... Beauty and artistic achievement horses, this My.sterv is built aecombined ini the movingý tale of, the murder of -astable .overhoi around Ramonia, the ýpart-Indian girl.reared on his .%vay to Honolulu., HUNGRY INDIANS as an 'aristocratie 'seniorita, in a SpanXWith ex-coal, miners' as stars, and Nearlyý 200 tons of food, inciuding ish. home of early California settiers. with, a feiw of last year's ail Amen-e can football stars 150 whole beeves, are, being used to asteshnn Falliniz in, love with a handsome'té inZ Indian, Alessandro, she isxpsd board the 100Cheyen ne Indfianli vlightsoftecsTh BiGae an otraed elaive.Suecloes i s schedufled bv the Wilmette t.heater wvorkin'g in Cecil B. De Mil le's "The herlovr-.',6l3ýtolieovcrwbledas .the football picture of. the yeer,ber~~~~~~~ loe.oiyt eoewemd'for'Snd Plainsman," on their, reservaticFn near and NMonidas' Ti fl by renewed tragedy as California "wiîl naefieeneTisntflr Birney, Montana. Gary Cooper. and falîs bhefore the invading A mericans. yl ik ieetranetfr sportsmindecl adults and youngsters Jean Arthur are starred in the film. Vivd Portrayal alikeý For his portraval -of the MlessaliMembers of the ca'rt include 'Andv dro mile. Don Ameche. is dsie o Devine; Phîlip Husto Jne ras a new place iii te heart Of his,: fans ýi Jimimie, Gleason. Bruce Cabot. jay Other, roi'es are taken bh-v PuieiBe ne.W ill1i a n Shakespeare, Frederic, ane Darweil. KatlierinûiBbl)bb XVilians, Nonk de Mille, Victor Kf'lian, john Carra- KingL Kong Klein, Gomner NMoscib~. Joncs, dine, J. Caro! Naish, Pedro de Cor- BoneS Hamilton, and Frank Alustiza. dohýIam and Cief Thunder Cloud. Bet Seller The storv is taken frorn the fatnIns adptinftelogoe niovel bv Hclecn Hunt Jackson 1ut aapeio f'1j ovl Jant Gvnr. oreta~o1 thî e bet seller for nmanv nonths, UNil. Constance fBennett. and Simione S-',iov hrajrzste Mon. ail take parts in the rornantîi feature iclI des. is schedierl to he the conifli inBudaest ý;e In eatireattraction at the Wilniette inomevet wii illbdae s. iii adites theater on Tuesda.v and Wednesday lh o f i 'i x t e ek. Liol& h h w i i~~~~~~~~ h ci ~ Varsitv i theater on \Wednesd(av and Convinicin.g imlpersonations. , a n d Th;îrsiTv of netve FV dAatabq>-Gugem' 1 g.e Peature Starts 7:30, 9:45 Fr!.an . e. 445 Claire Tr , - A l. J i g Evel n mabla, Exr Maj)or Boýwelî' Amiatesurs,, "Headllnes for 25 Yeargi"F'eatuare Starto Fr! ,7 50),.9:50 Sait2:00,4:05, 6:00,8t:05, 10:15 Sun., Mon. and Tue&, Dec. 6-7-8 Joa cruwfor-Rbffl Taylor Tune eaueFramebot Fetueqtar.tes-un. 6:1, 8:15, 10 :2i4 Mon. and Tues. 7:30, 9ý:45 -2:090, 4:05, Wed., Thurs. and Fr1., Dec. 9-10-11 Alfice Faye--Adolph Menjou Ted Heaiy Feature Starts Ail Three Days 7 :40, 9:50 Saturday, Dec. 12 * * * rit-.aiç.t man .%owl)ra. Directedl with great feeliing and( of Mrv Lerov as director, and airned at the audiences of the more the l)eautv of thle Iphotography,. Lead. roles are taken by- Fredric sophisdcated type. 'Give NMe Your! Mfarclh, Olivia de Haviland, Claude H4eart will l)e shown at the Varsitv Rains. Anita' Louise, and Edmund theater this Thursdav. Kav Francis is an Flngl1;ish girl Gwenn, "Swing Tinie- which brings togeth'who loves unwiselv and toc) well. Toi er" once more the master. and the escape the consecjuences of that love. she journevs to America, Where the mistress of rhvthmi. Fred Astaire storv tells of bier efforts to forget. and Ginger Rozers, wili be seen Thursdav. Fridav and Saturdav~ of fing Thuriday, Losf Day! Simone Simn Herbert Marshal "Girls' Dormitory' Fridey Pecq, 4 1120 Central Ave.' WiL. 3M Doors open week days, 6:30 p. m. Performance beglis at 7 p. m. RiO*ADIO lat sat. 1:00, :0,:51;o