nom and - lbýÎ ed an ring. Free pick-up veningu. 70, Vernon &vé. RUILOImN ID Gliencoe ycle Shop Glenco. 57 14B-LTN27-tfc MEPAliU Repairilng and Remodeling CalWINNETKA 2480 aftW' 6,P. CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BIJILDER Jack Frost has decoraied. and cleaned up the country. aie.Wht ave you done?, »ook arounid you--do you. it? Why on this, our Home Service Page. Here, you will find any type of heip,' you ýma y .need' to make your home more. cheery d iabethrough the long. winter mionths., w GUMIUz SMR...-- fl - VACUUM CLEANERS COMP.LETELY rebuit like new, '$3.50. Work -guaragnteed. Repossessed Hlooverà, Eurekas, cheap. 1 yr. guarantee. 1235 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Gre. 7177. 5hB-LTN430-ltp' DRAPERIES AND SLIP COVEUS PLi YOUR 'DAVENPORT AND CHAlES. re-uphoistered, fineat workmanshlp. Phone and our estimator wili cali with complete line of sampies. Special discounit this month. 721-23 Main Street University 7210 58LTN1o-tfc -DRAPERIES Davis Furnfiture Craftsmneni CATTLE MANTIlE FOR SALE. JOSEPH KNEIP' BEFPORE BUYING OR SELLING YOUR Best money can buy. Just CMENT AND MABON CONTRACTOR personal imovlng picture equlpmnent the thilng for dregssng iawns ýs»cialIulng-Waterproogng Banoments. consulta motion picture speclallet and and fiower beds. Wlnnetka 3858. 1714 Washlngton Ave. Wllmette 2618 consultant ses that you get the bout, 27L3-ltp >1S-LTNO8-4tv andthe :most for Your money by consultlflgIH. A. Spanuthfr 229 th St., WiRMASON CONTRACTOR mette. 16B-LTN28-4tp Trim and Take Down ýTrees FOR ALL KINDS OF STONE, BRICK, N. S. references: CiLOCK REPAIRING CEMENT WORK & TUCK-POINTING. Northbrook 96-J 27fffgfr4tp WINNEW* 2864 41, H. MAIWEWLL HALL CHIME EXPERT" CLOC!CS 15A-LTN30-3tp .antique dlock repalrlng. Learned trade ALL MASONRY AND BRICK WORIC ln Europe. <Wornerly with Tiffany and Chlrnneys and Firepiaces' a Speclalty. Fleld'é.) Will call. Free estmate. David Johansson, phone Graceland 3846. OTTO J. OTTEN 20LTN30-12tp lng, mailing, 626 Exmoor Rd. Kenilworth 1307 graphtngi ME 15A-LTNSO-ltp mette .989. VRESSMAKING MeKlIBAN-CARPENTER. ALTERA.tions, sun porches, storm sash, paintLa Ing ail klnds, get prices now, prices COLLETTE SOEURS going up on labor and niaterial. WiI. APH15A-LTN30-ltp 2634. Serv. E. V. liolding. Carpenter; Building MOTION PICTURE E9QUIPMENT UPHOLSTERING at reasoriabie prices. Ail types of fabrics. Satisfactoey work. R; H-. Brandt, 716 Ridge. Wiimette 3543 58LTN29-4tp LIONEL~TRAIN, (LARGE> TWIN MOpower house, iigbts, tranjsformer, etc. Cost over $100. SêII for $22. Uni. 4487. 1A-iLTN3"O-ltp ELEC. STOVE, DOLL BED AND CAR riage, desk and chair, chiid's bed, gamnes, iceskates, books (inc. set ofý Book Flouse), bookcase. Winnetka 2511. 1A-LTN3-ltp AMERICAN FLYER E 1, E C T RI1C( train ; 30 feet of track, switches, depot, platform, eiectrce signais, auto-. ,natic gate. Winiette 936A8. 1A-LTN3Oû-ltp FURN. I)OLL HOUSE, DOLL CAB, shcoe skates, ec. train, go , cart, wicker rocker, golf clubs, chest of drawers, costum~er. Winnetka .1157. PRACTICALLY NEW TRICYCLE. Bailoon tires, streaiined model, Large size. $9,00. Wilmette 2351. IA-LTN30-ltp MER BEmuVI.m 011 Buir 1141 Greenit SLOWN CO. d Air Condltlonlng ve.._ Wmet ei day Sanitas ànd canvaslng work. BRm. walipaper cleaned, $1, bathroom enameled, morn$5 up; kitchen palnted, $6 up. 5 rms. Outslde 130-ltnl fIns. washed, varnished, $8. painting. porches, $15. Windows, 75c. GIRL'S SPALDING SHOE SKATES, Stucco finish doue neas. Refs~ Free MRS. ESTHER ERICSSON sizes 5 and 6. Like new. $2. estmats.Matenial furnished. 522 Eighth Street, Wiimette. 21Dressmaking & Slip Covers 1A-LTN3-tp Melvin Skolnik Wil. 3413 Gre. 7860 139 Custen St., Evanston. 42LTN30-ltp GIFI SUGGESTIONS Iorntm3 tIns or -22LTN30-ltp %ý A-4 - - - %" % £ 1-ý . , 9 %-JaL ig SIN( ýRI 'ettor, 60~ >1 A14L-NIGHT SERVICE Children.cre for by night, week or Umsohool àqe. est. Cl us for Information Betsy N., Shapker, Director. 6680 832. Michigan Ave. Ph. Wllmette 1068 2OB-LTN29-st1 ~4tp -.