we could flot rely upon single ticket, sales for concerts which must be given as schectuled, whether the weather be fair or foui. Our liabilities do not sbrink in rai sub-ero teniperatures o in blizzards. "'Wehad hoped that Wy an intensive, canmpaig n of. advertising and personal soIicitati(>n. we..could increase our seaýson ticket sales enough, to sustaini our course. For two years now the coinmittee; bas, spared no effort, .we have lefti 10 stone unturtied, yet we have been unaI)Ie to secure the necessary subscribers. You, our staunch supporters, will regret the obvions result: This present season is, the last scasonf of our Artist-Recitals>. "'This Jien cxplains. ou . notice about single tickets. 'May we ail enjoy to the full these last four concerts, for there will beno more 1 "Genevieve W iimati" Outstanding artists of international fame who have appeared on the club's prograins during the years include among others: Pian ists-Myra Hess, Wanda Landowska, Madame Guiomar No'vaes, Alexander Brailowsky, 'Ossip Qabrilowitsch, Werrenrath, I IUKIO . -J.reC JaI.IUI 1DULanMa kzeXWaSiq i fm a Our uwo stuus, -Prie Progrmm.t. Corne $1t$10:0 box CAlmUA d Anew marera by Eastma BULLETo.with a. Universel @butter at .......... Artists to be. bearci on' remaining programs are MarianAnderson, conÎtralto, January,25; Albert 'Spaldinýg, viôlinist, February 15, and Myra Hess, 'pianst, March I. CHRISTMAS PARTY' The 'Protestant Women's- Service, club: will bold its annual Christmxas partyý on Wednesdayý, December, 16, in Marshall Field's Wedgwood room. The twenty-one ýchildren supported bjythe club ivili be the honor, guests. There wiIl be a turkey dinner, Christmias tree, and gifts for ail of the children. Mrs. William Randal Collins has charge of the 'entertainmnent. a Uhristmas <bargan" in your- HOME COMMUNITY. Shop at home, and SAVE TIME AND. MONBY. ... the :$5Ç00 ALSOJIFFY CAMERAS $.00 $69-00 op Sparkl.f ' and *ANTAM kfàKODAKS $5-00 an 5.75 Syphom, soflfe CMPVACTS A great variety' by LemtLeric Derothy Gray, Elizabeth Arden and Charbert. Geime. I.aufy 521 Park Dr. Shop Kenil. 3532 $1.000 to $J7050 TRA VIL KITS $2-89 t. ITier. is a peu reductioi wheu both and bômiglt together., Inotion Pltuve. ~5K~ 1161-3 Wilm.lt. Avenue Wilm eft. 4406 WiIuette aned Central Wilmeffe 28 Phène PoeWI..E