on Commrittees ror Concert by Serkin Less than a week remains, until the. annual- benefit. performnance'of the National Counc il of Jewish Women. This year it. will present Rudoif Serkin, phenotnen al ýgenius of the piano, in-concert on .Monday nighit, Decemùber, 14, in, Orchestra, hall. Cotmmitteexmembers are actively engaged. in mnaking: the concert, f or the benefit of the. many Philanthropies of, the council, a success. Chairman of the north shore committee: is Mrs. Miltoni Grauer, 475 Jackson avenue, Glencoe. The chairm'en, for local villages are: Mrs. Milton Stern, 917 Vernon avenue, Giencoe; Mrs. I. Schuman~, 412 Berkeley avenue, Winnetka, and Mrs. Ben Shaniro, 401 Gregory avenue, Wiimett_. Serving on the Glencoe committee are Mrs. Oscar Blumenthal, L.uncFieon to Be for Members QnIy The Wilmette center. of1 the Infant We.lfarle.Society ivili have a luncheon Decenber 14, at- i 0o'clock, at the Woman's club in Wilrnette. This .luncheon ivili ta ke ýthe. place of the regular December. meeting and is held the second Mondayj rather. than te usual third- Monýday. Hostesses for the meetingiii be Mrs.' F. R. Eckles, Mrs. F., E. Davenport, Mrs. C. N. Evans, Mrs. J. W., Beutas, Mrs. F.,E. Strayer, Mrs. Bur-ý ton Ingwersen, Mrs. E. A. Zimmermari, and Mrs. Roger Wiiliam-s. Ms. W. I. Hildebrand, social chairnian of Wilmette, Infant XVeI fare, has made arrangement for this lunicheon to be .served to inembers only, at a nominal *vost so that the old and new members may have a chance to become better acquairited before the regular meeting. At this meeting the nominating committee will give their report and new officers will be elected for the next year. The fact that the center blas gone over the top in its 'subscription to, the Infant WeIfare society as a whole, and that the year 1937 looks very Mrs. Leon Caine, Mrs. Ernest Myer, and Mrs. Harry Boyeli. The members of the Winnetka committee include Mrs. Samuel Booth, Golden. This wili be the first Chicago recital of Rudoif Serkin, the young Russian pianist who in a brief season last spring earneci the most astonishing pralse of New York's concert audi-ences ýand critics. Born thirty-five y'ears ago in Bohemia of poor Russian>, mrs. i. e L<ewV1, 4ana 4virs . iii- -1-- -r ua a ti u Ltitlc Lýtýu"& iltF of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Walworth of 1531 Spencer avenue. Follouding their me-rriage September 12, in St. Auùustive's Episcopal church," Dr. and Mrs. BassMotored through Colorado and Nezv Mexico, and since October .1 have beeki at home in the Limden C'rest apartmnents. For her weddin.q the bride wore w'hite satin and a double fi».qèrtip veil wvhich fell from a halo cap of point de Venuse lace. Woman's Club. Arranges Eveningj Parly Dec. 19 A Christmnas pa rty for the membership of the Woman's Club of Wil- Council Girls mette and husbands is being planned for Saturday evening, December 19. Mr. and Mrs. H-arry Burnside are in charge of arrangements, and on their committee wiII be Mr. and Mýrs. Dewey Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Der.IZ, Dy bpOke IV ol teUiCViJ Presbyterian chùrch. Mrs.E Pollock is chafrman-of the sale. 1107B ' nc.onstreet, ' F»anston, .tme rs. unh o f 01Monday, Decembe: tetteMrs.James Badger o 0 Fores t served., The hoste ank 'avenue is giving a luncheoni and bridge Reed Larmer of1 party in her home tomorrow (Fridýy). ýMrs. . P. Oisonc /l Tea will be will be Mrs. .rs Park, and .enilworth. 1:30 o'clock Wilmnette, and Mr. and Mrs..A. L. bmerson7~U and iOr. and Mrs. Alfred iFuessle of Christy of Winnetka,- formerly of Wilmette. Mr. Fisher left for Minneapolisthis week, and bis family expect to join bim at a*14ter date.